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RE: Universal Basic Income.

in #discussion7 years ago

I don't know about universal income, but I do think that if we could incentivize technology used to provide for basic needs universally, it would free many people from struggling. This could unleash vast amounts of human potential.
Particularly technology to provide affordable healthy food, clean water, and distribution of these necessities to all. I am not suggesting a free handout, but I do think the current economies stress profit over providing affordable food and water to humanity.


the current economies stress profit over
well yeah. Kinda like you stress breathing. If you don't breathe you die.
If an economy doesn't allow profit it dies too.
You might check out Venezuela to see how well that works out.

Wow, very active post. To clarify my thoughts, I think profit is good. My optimistic, perhaps uninformed, sentiment, was that as a species, we develop fantastic advances through discovery and application of new better ways of achieving work. I was trying to convey that if we as inhabitants of this earth could somehow focus these ideas and advances to solutions where everyone could provide themselves or others with basic necessities, perhaps this would reduce, not replace, much of the need for money and the obvious stress of not having enough to eat or drink. Personal food cultivation or water purification systems provided to everyone with their UBI payment perhaps and you can earn additional income through barter of any food or water you produce by using these fictitious imagined inventions I dream of.
I don't envision this being centralized, I also acknowledge it is a fanciful notion. Greed, central control, and power still reign supreme.
UBI may be a way to distribute wealth and resource availability, but unfortunately, people and the existing social structures appear not to support decentralized transfer and sharing of wealth or resource amongst peers directly. It would be nice if that could be changed, but I am still skeptical that it could be delivered. Good thought experiment and provoking post, thanks again.

There are quite a lot of benefits to giving cash directly. Generally people know what is best for them better than even the best intentioned aid workers.

where you gonna get the money?

There are various answers depending on what style ubi or direct cash benefit is proposed. The simplest answer is just to replace the confusing and wasteful patchwork of different types of benefits with just one that's much simpler to administer but costs the same.

when, short of the dissolution of the country, has a government agency ever dissolved?

I don't know, I dare say that perhaps some state or local agencies have closed their doors. They don't really have to close, they can be merged or reduced is size it scope as happens fairly frequently.

Never happened to my knowledge. There is still a HELIUM agency which provides Helium for Dirgibles used in the war...which war? WWI...the need has gone..the agency remains.
Do you want to talk about Mohair? (used in WWII uniforms?)