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RE: CNN Breaking News:

in #discussion7 years ago

The absurdity of this ‘news’ is really blatant and getting tiresome. These media outlets consistently attack personalities and behaviors of people, I wish they would actually discuss substantive content, issues, and policies. Real news should explain the facts to its audience. Representing that they can interpret Kelly’s position or thought based on him drinking water is blatantly not news, not journalism, not investigative reporting. It’s childish, dumbed down, gossip and character attacking. When will it stop?


I agree it won't stop. CNN is doing their job agitating and distracting the American public. They are not journalists in the least. They are operatives even if the "reporters/anchors" know it or not. They are doing their job, and doing it well....Their viewership dwindling is a good sign tho! ;)

it won't stop.
not as long as "journalists" (and I use that term advisedly) have the IQ of a rock.