I decided to add a post instead, since the comment would be too long ;D
I decided to add a post instead, since the comment would be too long ;D
Ahahaha that's cheating! The point is to have a conversation about a topic in the comment section sort of what happens in Reddit :P Not to divert it!
Ahaha granted, the topic does give a lot of material to make a post - or even a series of posts - about this, I admit I am also going to do the same in the next few days.
I'll give it a read in a second :D
Yeah, I know so:
I wouldn't change much in my life, but I would definitely be more present with the moments I do have. I would continue writing on Steem, but most likely the content would be more directed toward my daughter and her future. I would keep working until near the end, and then have a nice holiday somewhere warm and relaxed.
You know what would be kind of cool? An interface that allowed to format the post or comment section for different purposes - like select "forum" or "magazine" etc.
That would be pretty interesting, to have the ability to pick how the post shows to people and how can they interact with it depending on what's the purpose of you writing it.
Just an example, Imagine you could disable comments and just enable a score 0-10 for people to rate your writing, or how scary your story was etc.
It would be great to have some kind of hybrid platform that could flex to provide a range of experiences configured on a post by post basis.
That is the only thing I like about reddit. Not everyone is running off to make a post. They do have some amazing comment sections that make them the front page of the internet. Just about everything else they can keep!