Is there an appropriate age for internet usage?
As soon as they are able to understand how to use it, I think it should be encouraged. With appropriate safe-guards of course.
Is there a right time in life where kids should own a cell phone
If it is within the means of the parents to buy one for their kid, I think that as soon as they get to an age where they have a use for it (i.e. their friends have them, or they are away from home and may need to use it for an emergency). If it is not within the means of the parents to afford it though, I don't think there should be any expectation for kids to have one until they can afford to buy their own.
BTW, my niece has enjoyed using a smart-phone since before she could talk :)
Is there social development stunted by the over exposure of smart devices?
Unsure. For a long time I avoided saving my friends/families phone numbers in my phone because I knew I would not remember their phone numbers anymore. I still remember the numbers of all my friends and family from when I was a kid, but all of my 'new' friends/family I do not know their numbers.
In a way though it teaches a different kind of intelligence. Kids these days know their way around electronics way better than the older generation.
Good/bad - hard to tell.
wow, since before she could talk - it's incredible - there are some physical health concerns as mentioned above @kaliju - i would tend to agree with you though in the sense of technology, smart phones in particular open up our kids world. And like any new invention it has pros/cons. The use of it really depends on the training attached to it.
I have a problem when its used as a babysitter, and parents neglect their role - specifically in social settings. I think the social IQ has the potential to be the biggest challenge.
We will see..