I saw in the comments you felt the UN was a poor data source, and I reckon you could be right. Given their confluence with the Liberal Agenda, it would seem their data would be 'massaged' in order to support that agenda, as so much science is.
Particularly when there's Yuuuuuge money at stake.
I saw you speculated that lower vaccination rates might explain reduced American life expectancy, so I looked around and found this.
IMG source - Vaxinfostarthere.com
Lotsa charts there, and lotsa info. The case seems pretty strong that mortality dropped long before vaccines were introduced, and mortality for diseases that there are no vaccines for dropped almost exactly the same.
Also, vaccine injury is a thing. More vaccines = more vaccine injuries. Kids nowadays are given many, many more vaccines than we were in our youths. That means there are many more vaccine injuries now than there were when we were kids.
If herd immunity works (and if it doesn't, then what's the point in vaccines, anyway?) then lowered rates of vaccination should be accompanied with lowered rates of injury from vaccination, and unless there are higher rates of infection solely among unvaccinated kids then lowered vaccination rates cannot be lowering life expectancy.
I see no sign of that in the data.