I have to say I am frustrated with our government as a whole. President Trump has so many moles he needs to weed out to get on the level playing field, it will almost have to go underground.
How frustrating the areas of government that are supposed to work are nothing more than dirty rat bastards only out for who will line their pockets the deepest. Trump needs to know he has a good intelligence team. If it means going covert against the deep state that is so hell bent on destroying him I say go for it.
Just make sure it's gone before he leaves office, or it WILL be abused and used against the American people.
I really wish we had better ways of making what they do in our name really transparent.
Our privacy can be violated for everything right down to marketing products :(
can you say 'block chain'...?
I've been thinking, and saying it, since I first joined SteemIt. It was one of the first things that entered my mind, slapping a blockchain leash on our public servants. Watch how fast they'll want to STOP being elected over and over when the profit of public office is removed. lol
They would crap their pants if we could see all the money changing hands selling their votes to the highest bidder. I think bump their outrageous pay down to 50k too. They don't do anything for this country.
You have to see this video out of Minnesota and so called public servant:
I'm all for making politicians the worlds next "victim class" If blockchain does it that would be great. But these are some of the laziest, scummiest people on earth that "serve the public" We need to clean them up, ALL of them.