Seems like some MKULTRA sh**... like usual from Disney.
Take it as you wish..
I see it totally different these days of course, if you see the present Disney... i commented with some kids:
"Look at that, kids aren't supposed to be like that, that's for grown ups"
Being the girl being flashy and commercialike, or the overgeeked kid "blowing up" labs with experiments, etc, just turn Disney channel on to ruin childhoods i guess...
On the video and drifting a bit on programming (of the mind):
- Creates a TV
- Schedule or time related: Alarm clock (also a watch and some coins on the table)
- Checkerboard floor
- Hidden hand ?
- Thunder / Ghosts
- Shopping and fast food "TV Dinner"?
- Lab alchemy / work
- Teleportation machine ?
The comments on YT are also interesting
Thanks for sharing !