We've built a Hive based competitor with @exxp that not o ly provides a comment section with Hive-logins, but also stores the blog on Hive with options to restore it later.
Available in the WordPress plugin store here : https://wordpress.org/plugins/exxp-wp/
Still the most promising but under appreciated tool to onboard large numbers of users and content.
I can't see why anybody with a WordPress blog wouldn't use your plugin if they were given a proper education on its benifits.@fredrikaa, are there any marketing plans in place to show people the amazing tool that you have built for them to use?
You seem to know what Disqus is, many (including myself) did not. Essentially a comment section service: https://help.disqus.com/en/articles/1717053-what-is-disqus
Am waiting for a service to (help) setup Wordpress websites including EXXP for all those (like myself) who know there ways around almost everything, but not technical or engineer enough to setup our own wordpress environment. Is that something you can add to EXXP?
they dont really care about us
call michael jackson, we are going to run hive witnesses inside telos dstor oen daya nd have fractal democracy run by starlink routers and learn sign language and perform all transactions off line at a set time everyday , transaction hour, like muslim prayer
and then we will learn what edenOS really means
a return to tartarian free energy churches that process all our blocckhain data with "magic" aka Extra terrestrial tech run by allies, who keep the souirce code ouit of our comprehension so we cant tamper with it and mess it up
bruh ask dan why he and block one and voice and EOS people talk about @wordproof by another scandenavian lol, who copied youa nd steempress now hivepress .... but they wont talk hive press
is dan secretly talking to you about his IPFS dstor Wordpress blog site thing CLARION? needs hivepress
This is epic, will try it our soon, thanks for making + sharing!!