How to Write a Dissertation in a Month?

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Are you very close to the day of your dissertation submission? Are you wondering how you can complete your 10000-word document in this less time? Also, do you have other things to focus on simultaneously while working on your dissertation? And are you seeking any kind of dissertation help at the moment? If yes, you do not need to stress any more. Because we have got it sorted for you. Read this article further to know how you can complete your dissertation efficiently and effectively and score really well in that.

But before we start, let’s understand what a dissertation is.

If you are pursuing an undergraduate or postgraduate degree, you would have heard your teachers talking about the dissertation that you might have to submit by the end of your term. So, what is exactly a dissertation? A dissertation is a long research project that you undertake to present your research and analytical skills to the university. Although students have a mentor to guide throughout the project, most of them consider it to be an uphill task just because of the details involved. But, you need not worry because this article is going to help you with dissertation writing.

Follow the steps given below to complete your dissertation successfully in a month.

  • Plan your dissertation structure: The first and the most important thing to do after you have decided your research topic is to plan the structure of your dissertation. Your dissertation should never lack any detail that put even a minor effect on your research. Hence, take your time, probably a couple of days and decide which page goes where. Plan your research chapters, their order, the graphs (if required), decide how many words are required in each section, differentiate between qualitative and quantitative aspects of your research, and so on.

  • Plan exactly what you want to write: We cannot stress enough on how important this one step is. Sit down with a pen and a paper and plan exactly what you want to mention in which chapter. This does not need to have every minor detail but as precise and as specific as possible. This will work as a reference for you when you sit down to write your actual dissertation.

  • Divide your task into small chunks: 10000 words seem a lot, right? But if you divide your work into parts, you will be able to complete it faster. Give yourself deadlines. For example: “I will complete the first 2000 words in next 4 days.” Plan your days accordingly. Take time to conduct research and mention those days in your proposed time table. Also, make sure that you meet these deadlines.

  • Provide references: Bibliography is one of the most important sections of any dissertation. Make sure that you make thorough research and spend good time in sorting the data. Learn the style of referencing required (Harvard, Oxford, etc.) and cite all your sources correctly.

  • Make sure to proofread it: Most of the students miss proofreading and hence, they lose marks. Keep a couple of days idle before the date of your final submission and use that time in proofreading your dissertation. You may take help of your seniors at this point. Their experience will help you get rid of any errors existing in your dissertation.

So, till now if you were struggling to compose a dissertation in a month, then make sure you implement the above-mentioned points. Good luck!

The dissertation is one of the most difficult writing task students struggle with during their college. This paper requires a lot of research and is time-consuming. But this article has been designed in a way to help the students divide their task in days and help them complete it on time with no or minimal errors.