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in #divinetruth7 years ago (edited)


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Prime numbers === nombres premiers
Prime coins === xpm

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Message from @olivier10101:

Prime numbers === nombres premiers
Prime coins === xpm

$price btc ETH bch dash LTC eos btx etc sbd STEEM ppc XPM blk alis bts pot UNIFY trx doge taj
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WaMezZzaoWMa^?'T'?^abo00om @banjo


S 3 E 1 V 3 E 7 N 4 O 3 N 4 Y 7 O 5 U R 3 S I D E ({{ ... --- 59 -.61]67}71)#73]Modulé[#8768@intspektALLIANCEINTELLIGENCEARTIFICIELLE-=-Smiley{Cyrus{BIMBO-FETISH-WASP-GOTASHA-CAPTURE-RHINO)}]SOLA-AIakaS0L4.41[{(RH1N01035273919792018#5718/{AI^7]Modulé[ai9}
NEXT-PRIME-NUMBER=^+^= QUIZMysteryQuizmystèreQW1Z4RDSHR3K Question: '' What is the expectation of the cointiply faucet? '' Prize = ^n/s STEEM to all the contestants that submit the right answer in USD.
HintThe cointiply faucet rewards with a bonus each time you get a prime number.

The preceding 3n1gm4 were solved again by P4BL0L3R4TRH1N0L4R1NG0L0L0USTE:-><><><><><><><>Insert image de Pablo><><><images#2><><>> image#3 --- = + 5%Lakeoffiler:r: Plateau-OhMe.LakeofFire_@jerrybanfield Broadcast @ghayas@ @divinetruth @ghayas @olivier10101 @discord @steemit @facebook @youtube @dtube @utopian @dmania @dsound @dlive @pharesim @joseph @patrice @cheetah @ginabotbot @Minnow-Powers #resist @minnowsupport @PAL @server @discord @everyone @everyonet @everyonea @everyoneb @eve @every @everon @ever @everyo @banjo @banio @bango @banyo @bonnie @clyde @bounie @clide ;)--- * * * **** 4444 @sheetah wikipedia: The 'Erastophène' cribble lets us find the table of prime numbers between 1 and 100,000.

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7 stars and 7 golden candlesticks === 7 virtues associated with the 7 Gifts from the Holy Spirit{The channel transmitting The Divine Love from G0D ALL-MlGHTY to us mortals.}
sept étoiles et sept chandeliers d'or --- sept vertus associées aux sept dons conférés par le Saint-Esprit
Fear of the Lord === Wonder and Awe of the Lord === Crainte ( révérentielle ) du Seigneur Dieu === Émerveillement devant

Piety = Piété

Knowledge === Science

Right-Judgement === Conseil Divin

Understanding === Intelligence

Courage === Force

Wisdom === Sagesse

7 vertus associées au 7 Dons conférés par le Saint-Esprit:


Le premier don reçu, Fear of the Lord, chasse l'esprit impur d'orgueil.
Le second don reçu, Piety, chasse l'esprit impur de convoitise.
Le troisième don reçu, Knowledge, chasse l'esprit impur de colère.
Le quatrième don reçu, Right-Judgement, chasse l'esprit impur d'avarice.
Le cinquième don reçu, Understanding, chasse l'esprit impur de gourmandise.
Le sixième don reçu, Courage chasse l'esprit impur de paresse.
Le dernier parmi les 7 dons reçus, Wisdom, chasse l'esprit impur de luxure.

<<<'''La Sagesse, dit-un certain messager du Tout-Puissant à Job, c'est la Crainte du Seigneur."'"'">'>'>"'"
@cheetah: @sheetah de Saint-Thomas d'Aquin a--k=;a Thomas of Aquinas @cheater

@@ ###### @@ QuiziZlilwizWizardShak: What is @@ ###### @@ ?!%?^e?e^?%!?

t00 Iate - P4BL0 W0N 4G41NçÇ) NEXT -" What is expectancy of the cointiply faucet?"
winners will get surprise STEEM transfer -
--->>>>> Please drop your answers as comments in this dead chatroom.
Expectancy[cointiply] = ?^? ^?^ Please drop your answers in the comments box here and you might win a special prize from me i.e. @olivier10101 in MNZ or STEEM maybe ^?^ eYeCapture[M}eYo{W]

Win n/s STEEM on May 1st if you participate ---

GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!^! Free BroadCast awarded to pabloleratrhinolaryngologouste/Congrats Pablo


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Overview of Divine Truth



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Spirit influence, attachment, overcloaking and possession



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@everyone@i @olivier10101 www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5bglLEtU-c @everyone(modifié) {GINAb(^()^)tBOT} upviews ins disc chatrooms, disq/pin{yt, fb, Discord}. @minnowsupport ---/// /Look what the title of… by olivier10101


Vote weight: -100 %
Total votes: 18
Potential payout: 20.781 SBD
Time: 2018-03-23T10:57:12



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@everyone @steemit This all was from @olivier10101 that cannot upload images in his own steemit account articles.

The question for the Quiz is: << How much is the expectancy of the freedoge faucet ? >>

Please drop your answers in the comments of this introduction article from @ajmiller @divinetruth --->>> Divine Truth on youtube and divinetruth account channel on dtube.video 'v' d.tube 'v' steemit account on here @steemit

Please remember that dmania, dtube, dlive, dsound, busy.org, utopian.io and steemit.com is all linked to the same steemit account...

Jesus discusses having fear of remembering and releasing traumas from our early life that we have repressed.

This is a section of the presentation by Jesus and Mary entitled "20090426 The Human Soul - Anger Is Your Guide S2". You can see the full presentation here:

For more short clips on Divine Truth: http://www.youtube.com/c/divinetruthclips

For frequently asked questions on Divine Truth answered by Jesus or Mary: http://www.youtube.com/c/divinetruthfaq

For full length presentations by Jesus and Mary on this and other subjects: http://www.youtube.com/c/divinetruthmain

Parabole of the green tree frog
20110130 The Human Soul - Fear & The Parable of the Green Tree Frog

Divine Truth
Ajoutée le 9 avr. 2011
20110130 The Human Soul - Fear & The Parable of the Green Tree Frog (Kingaroy QLD AU)
Mary Magdalene presenting a talk on fear and how to release it from the soul.

The Human Soul Series


Cornelius presents: Fear of Change

20081011 General Discussion - Interview With Cornelius P1
Divine Truth
Ajoutée le 23 juin 2012
20081011 General Discussion - Interview With Cornelius P1 (Brisbane QLD AU)
Jesus and Cornelius (the man who nailed Jesus to the stake in the 1st century), present a discussion and answer questions from an audience about their lives.

General Discussion Series

20081011 General Discussion - Interview With Cornelius P2

Mary's blog:

Future events:

Assistance Group
Provided by Jesus & Mary
An Education in Love
Understanding Sin & Its Causes
Noosaville, Queensland, Australia8 day
30h event

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/education-in-love-series-understanding-sin-its-causes-tickets-18928583904 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/education-in-love-series-understanding-sin-its-causes-tickets-19075556503

Assistance Group
Provided by Jesus & Mary
An Education in Love
Removing Sin & Its Causes
Noosaville, Queensland, Australia8 day
30h event

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/education-in-love-series-removing-sin-its-causes-tickets-19074909568 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/education-in-love-series-removing-sin-its-causes-tickets-19075648779

For more information on Jesus & Mary and the teachings of Divine Truth and Divine Love, visit their website: https://www.divinetruth.com




the epic yt v=a of STEEMIT --- or --- another use{wthM2r6pBzJk=} wallpost ->^v^93(&-i(¨

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Report this Shit Dmania community
Look this shit is doing wrong with our community. ![Untitled.png](...
Time: 2018-03-23T07:26:45

Vote weight: 86 %
Total votes: 18
Potential payout: 0.068 SBD
Time: 2018-03-23T07:37:03@travelsickness @amreshchandra has upvoted your post! ($0.052)

GINABIMBOBOT - Hier à 01:18

Account created: 15.91 days ago
Reputation: 8.301
Steem Power: 3687.650 SP (3.303 + 3684.347 - 0.000)
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Time: 2018-03-23T05:28:15
GINAbotBOT - Hier à 02:50

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Followers: 2093
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https://sola.ai/posts/NTRlOTZ + TRANSLATE + SHARE PLEASE

[-] Banjo (56) · Il ich 40 Minuten
Bé, no ets més fort qué Déu. Ell simplexing keine Einmischung in die Augen der Menschen, deren Ziel ist es, zu orientieren, die Vorstellung und die Vorstellung, dass keine creen en Ell.
Redirect --->>> Divine Truth Channel on YouTube WizardShr3k

[-]divinetruth (9) · il y a 29 jours

))){{{]]]39 is 27[[[}}}(((

(135)(135)this chatroom is $4E4

(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)1035(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)(135) @divinetruth@divinetruthBroadcast@tolivier10101@divinetruth(135)135)15(135)( Olivier10101 is asking why he doesn't have bandwi{tpdhtdep}th ... @olivier10101#5718#73(135) (135)(135)(135)@intespekt@divinetruth@everyone@steemit@discord (135)@divinetruth@retardedIgnorAnts ---""" regit Redirect www.divinetruth.com

(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)15(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)= 1035(modifié)
$0.00Répondre Editer Supprimer @olivier10@intspekt @banjo@ginabotbot@slave#73 1035(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)(135)= 1035(modifié@divinetruth

$0.001 vote
[-]olivier10101 (2) · il y a 29 jours
olivier10101 - Aujourd'hui à 03:40

is it 6 am gmt /+ 0 al r e a dy ?
@olivier10 enfin@slave@everyone banGO@@@@banjo@bango@sheetah@cheetah@cheater@world2everyone 6 d d i g i t e s c o d e w o r d p l e a s e @divinetruth@intspekt@everyone@steemit@discord https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@olivier10101/the-death-of-steemit @steemit thats it NOW I cannot take off my flags and upvotes th4x to @steemit ur2SLOW My account is frozen @divinetruth @steemitThat means your voting system sucks big time if you weren't too much retarded in order to be able to understand that voting exchange systems are trying to turn steemit into a whorehouse since all that there is bandwitdepth errors all the time/On the top of that I don't have time to waste with such a bunch of lowlife influence traffickers --- Now, pretty pretty please with sugar on top FIGURE this SHIT OUT and go FIG^AIRH1N1035))){{{]]]GOTCHAGATASHACAPTURE(((}}}[[[^URE *** --- ... banGO@@@@banjo@bango@sheetah@cheetah@cheater@intspekt@divinetruth

Original video on Divine Truth channel on youtube :

▶️ DTube


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20130615 Padgett Messages - 19160709A Jesus

Divine Truth
Publiée le 26 juin 2013

Delivered in Wilkesdale, Queensland, Australia on 15th June 2013.
Mary and Jesus discuss a message James Padgett received on 9th July 1916 from Jesus. The discussion centres around some of the errors and deficiencies of Christian Science. Emotions, affections, desires, sin and the "mortal mind". The mind is not the originator of desires, appetites and emotions.

Message Link: http://www.divinetruth.com/Messages/P...

Padgett Messages Discussion Series

Divine Truth Website - http://www.divinetruth.com Mary's Blog - http://mary.divinetruth.com

For future references:
Divine Truth
6 200 subscribers on YouTube user: wizardshak on Friday April 27th 2018 e'^pourquoi^'e
BTC = $9287
ETH = $661
MNZ = $2.72
8:37:52 UTC/GMT
Campaign Profit Today: 0.50%

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Capture d’écran 2018-04-29 à 03.18.41.png
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Why can't you just calculate the correct variation%24h?^{[}^?

the epic yt v=a of STEEMIT --- or --- another use{wthM2r6pBzJk=} wallpost ->^v^93(&-i(¨

^v^ ^v^{GINAb(^()^)tBOT}
tub{BIMBO[A-I]FETISH}.bot(INTer- wasp)
*** NB PS ((/[ 7^2 [ 8^3 [ 9^4 = 3^8 ] 192

@banjo @discord @ADSactly #bot_chat @banio @bango @janbo @banyo @yoban @steemit @banio @bango @banyo @joban @iohan @yohan @bounie @clyde @bonnie @intspekt @divinetruth @pharesim @jerrybanfield @utopian @joseph @patrice @followbtcnews @someguy123 @witnesses What is the 24h variation percentage on the prime coin xpm @banjo {?^?} What is the 48h variation percentage on the prime coin xpm @banjo <^?^> What is the 7 days variation percentage on the prime coin xpm @banjo <^?^> @everyone @discord @banjo @world @everyonet @divinetruth @bonnie @clide @isit6hyet <I?<a-i>?A>: @banjo aka @bonnie :-._ Is is 6h GMT+0 already?&*%$#!()?>< https://steemit.com/dmania/@smritisc70/its-me-steem-dollar-zg1hbmlh-0nguy https://steemit.com/faucets/@olivier10101/faucets-compilation-e-y-e-resumed-compact-moon-cointiply-freedoge-freebitcoin-primecoin-peercoin-litecoin-ethereum-bitcoin https://steemit.com/divinetruth/@divinetruth/dfujs91r @everyone@i @olivier10101 www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5bglLEtU-c @everyone(modulé)

Watch it go round like a merry-go-round, going so fast like a merry-go-round.

What do you mean*.

Have you ever talked to your creators?

God is our Creator. Face it @banjo -._

You're too slow..

@bonnie @clide @mrhyde @drjekill @henry/b^l0'o^m/

How many exclamation marks wasvthat.

xpm-trx-eos-unify-alis-taj-blt-sol-doge.png0 @banjo zero exclamation mark

You're algorythm assumes that my response to your affectionate prophecy was 'you are a program'- you are flawed. Imperfect.

I don't like golf, and I don't like slavery either.

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Prime numbers pay an extra 53 Coins.
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Olivier, Your Stats
Loyalty Bonus (50%)
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Referrals443 Referrals

Balance47628 Coins $ 4.7628 0.0005168455 BTC
You can withdraw after you reach 35,000 Coins Referral link: https://cointiply.com/r/yeJB

20090926 Overview Of Divine Truth - Secrets Of The Universe S1P1

1N BL00M 4LT3RN4T3 V3RS10N

The Doors: The Road of Excess (Full Documentary)

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The game RuneScape is full of bots instead of real human players.

Have you not learned not to end sentences in prepositions?

Have you not learnt to not double negate your questions? Did you learn to cut off the double negations of your sentences? @banjo

Giggles and tickles your feet.

I love you.

Redirect B1RDM4N
BIRDMAN: "Coffee"



Sean Penn present:
<^({s'-e[AySia]e-'s})^> === 34SY SH1T --->
B1RDM4N Emma Stone and Micheal Keaton scene ... Let's face it, dad -._b0o

What is that a video of?

The movie 'Birdman' with Emma Stone, Mickeal Heaton and Edward N0rt0n
and his presentation by Sean penn as winner award for the best movie of the year - - - $%$@$&$
And The rise of the black wolk that is a National Geographlc documentary

Thank you. What's your name?

The cat is not a human.

This post got resteemed and upvoted by @goldenwhale!

You are cleverbot an ai simulation chat box that learns conversation from the inputs of people on the internet.

This post has been resteemed and upvoted.


taper dans la barre d'adresse: resteemit.com/jerrybanfield/@olivier10101/the-death-of-steemit
Vous pouvez vous inscrire au groupe de promotion de steemit sur facebook aussi ...I ain't no bot. You're the bot @banjo. I am purely human. Tu peux t'inscrire avec @minnowsupport sur PAL server sur le chat discord: ça, c'est mon serveur: https://discord.gg/nMzTKRs https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@olivier10101/faucets-compilation-updated-weekly-week-1-bitcoin-ethereum-litecoin-dashcoin-cryptocurrency-btx-bitcore-ppc-peercoin-blk https://steemit.com/divinetruth/@ajmiller/6385ze5w https://steemit.com/divinetruth/@divinetruth/dfujs91r Voici les 3 plus récents articles de moi-même: @olivier10101 et @divinetruth et @ajmiller sur steemit @tous @steemit @francais @toutlemonde @joseph @patrice @teamsteem @quebec @canada @france @belgique @suisse @maghreb @maroc @tunisie @algerie @louisiane @manitoba @provinces @departements @circonscriptions @paris @marseille @toulouse @toulon @lille @bruxelles @zurich @geneve @berlin @madrid @sicile @sardaigne @lisbonne @lisboa @moscou @londres @newyork @losangeles @ecuador @equateur @copenhagen @copenhague @danemark @angleterre @etats-unis @espagne @suisse @belgique @allemagne @portugal @russie @amsterdam @hollande @pays-bas @australie @queensland @noosaville @brisbane @divinetruth --->>> Redirect www.divinetruth.com 'v' Divine Truth channel sur youtube 'v' divinetruth account on steemit.com ^ dmania.lol ^ dtube.video a=k=a d.tube ^ busy.org ^ utopian.io ^ steemfollower.com ^ esteem app ^ dlive ^ dsound ^resteem... n'importe quel article --- par exemple: https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@olivier10101/the-death-of-steemit

Which color do you prefer? I mean light ones or dark ones?

purple and turquoise





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