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20130410 Padgett Messages - 19160420A Solomon P1
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James Edward Padgett asking to Solomon of the Old Testament: << What is the greatest thing in the world? >>
Solomon answers: **Prayer and Faith on the part of mortals and Love, the Divine Love, on the part of God.(...{---[,,, the latter is the subject of the former. First with prayer, faith will come to you and then knowledge. Then knowledge will morph into appropriation.
Study of the message by Jesus and Mary in two parts.
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Divine Truth
Published May 23th 2013
Delivered in Wilkesdale, Queensland, Australia on 10th April 2013.
Mary and Jesus discuss a message James Padgett received on 20th April 1916 from King Solomon of the Bible. The discussion centres around prayer, faith, and Divine Love. Part 1 of a 2 part discussion.
20130410 Padgett Messages - 19160420A Solomon P2
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