Successful divorce, I lived the experience
You often hear disastrous stories in divorces,
So I'm going to make one thing clear before someone tells me, mingle with what's your business, I'm not judging anyone, everyone does as best they can and I guess it's pretty hard that way,
Except that, I find the same disastrous stories when they concern children exasperating,
When the children are put in the middle, taken hostage to the suffering of the parents who are tearing themselves apart, witnesses to scenes they will never forget, when the children are neglected, when they suffer revenge, suffering, betrayal, sometimes we forget them outright, that we don't make them eat properly anymore, that we are no longer there for homework, activities?
When you insult yourself in front of them, when you don't respect anything!
Because I talked about it a few days ago with my father and his new wife, I wanted to share my experience of a successful divorce,
As a child of divorced parents, I was just under 3 years old when my parents separated,
Even if today I have the impression that they separated like a letter to the post office, I imagine that at the time there were as in all divorces with a child in addition to ups and downs,
Nevertheless, I would like to pay tribute to them in this post, to say how much I thank them both for never (I could even underline it) having heard a single criticism of either one or the other, about the one and the other or the people with whom they have rebuilt their lives?
On the contrary, I always felt a soothed feeling, my father, who often lived far away afterwards, came home for lunch/dinner when he came to see me,
If later on I was angry with him, that I stayed away, if I didn't talk to him for years, it was because of me and at no time did my mother get involved in this story that was only between him and me!
Today things are back in order, I now have the impression that he has always been there, so much the story between him, his family, me, my family has returned to the normal sense of walking... since then we try to see each other regularly and regularly when they come down to the south, they are now from all the important moments of my family.... and sometimes I am surrounded by my mother, my stepfather (whom I always call my father by the way... but you risk mixing) my father and his wife (that I can't call my stepmother, she is younger than me lol)... I am so happy with these reunions in the broad sense,
So proud of what they've never done to me... because they put my balance before everything, including their differences and their self-esteem! a proof of intelligence of which I am proud...
Thank you very much
very nice post....actually is what you've lived your experience being a child of divorced parents...this is the way that every divorce case must be treated...i mean...we -people have differences...and you cannot tell from the beginning if a marriage will be successful or not... the thing is that ,separated or not we have to be there for our children....maybe we cannot be husband and wife but we MUST be parents for ever...upvoted-bravo