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RE: Early Maple Syrup Boil

in #diy11 months ago

I grew up right around the corner from a nature center that has a sugar shack. It's quite the operation. My friend has quite a bit of land and he taps his trees each year. I like your homemade set up.


I feel like it's such a michigan thing I also grew up near a nature center than had a sugar shack and pancake breakfast. Thanks it's a cheap cider block setup that's pretty modular Ang get the job done.

No kidding about the Nature Center. That is cool. Ours is called Chippewa Nature center and my parents still live around the corner from it. I know Hartley is another big one over by St. Charles, but I don't know if they have a sugar shack. I should have looked into tapping our big maple tree in the years before I had them cut it down.