Continuing on with putting in the drywall and then taping/mudding.
After the wall were done, I started working on the floor. First, I closed off the holes on the floor from the chimney and vent. Then I peeled off all the old tiles.
Then, I used a floor sander to clean off the floors.
For the flooring material, I went with 3/4" thick solid red oak. These are top of the line in terms of flooring material but I was able to get some cheap used ones and left over ones from other people's projects using Craigslist.
You usually want an underlayment between the floor board and flooring. I decided to go with cork to absorb the noise.
Then you keep laying and snapping the boards in place and nailing them into place using a floor nailer.
Because some of the flooring were used, there were many boards with broken tongue and grooves. Those had to be cut and rerouted using a router. This is not something normal people would do and I had to figure it out myself with no information available on internet.
All done with the putting it in part!!!
Next step is to sand the floor down to get the boards down flat.
Then staining.
Coat the flooring with Polyurethane and the flooring is complete!!
Painted the walls and Installed the Lights
Almost there!
Made the bed frame. I actually wanted to make my own mattress but that will be further in the future.
Installing the moldings
Paint the shelves and mouldings
Install doors
And this is where I am at now. I am already living in the bedroom and I started working more on the living room so, progress will be slow but I'm thinking I will post about it again in the future!
Sugoi! I want to renovate an old German house and also an old Japanese old house to a super modern one keeping their out look in the future :) Last year I saw how the flooring was repaired for the first time. It was a lot of work. Great job that you did it for a whole room ... !
And it's really nice that people like you repair things even a house not just buying things and throw them away after some times of use.
I'm not sure what old German houses are like but I've always wanted a old style Japanese house. I love the structure of old Japanese homes with very large and bare wood. Like if you want to purchase a size and quality of wood used in 大黒柱 of old Japanese homes, it would cost a fortune!
I always like buying my stuff used and rescuing it. I just don't have interest in buying anything new these days due to quality. The structural wood that is used in my home is about 3x the thickness of wood used in newer homes. Cars too. I think quality of cars peaked in late 90s for Japanese cars and early 2000s for European cars.
An example of renovated German old house in black forest. Some parts are too modern for me but I like this kind of stone based architecture as much as Japanese wooden old houses.
Ahh ok. I've seen those ceiling style before. I did not realize those were German.
really cool and it is so nice to be able to do it yourself!!! we call it Golden hands in Russian language! would be interesting to see how would you make your matress)
I guess I got golden hands! ;)
Mattress would be long in the future since it's pretty complicated. You buy all the layers that goes into the mattress individually to get the softness/hardness you want from your mattress. It's very time consuming trying out all the different materials but it's the best way to get the mattress that fits you.
greetings from aceh