Clearly you have some skills man. It's amazing what you're achieving in the workshop you have and it's coming together really nicely. Keeping all those bits together and getting them back into place correctly...That's a bit of work dude, and not something you want to mess up. It's sort of real life Lego Technic.
Tell me, how long have you been at it so far, like in hours all up, and how long do you think it'll take to complete?
In all honesty I would have never attempted this without a a Ford mechanic and his YouTube videos.
Keeping organized is definitely one of my weak points that I have been working on. The last time I did something... somewhat like this I ended up with extra brackets and bolts???? Ummm ya not good but the car drove for another 4 years until I sold it. Lol
As far as time... I was just out there for 2 hours and it only seemed like 45 minutes...
I was actually thinking that (fingers crossed) If I had to do this again I could probably knock it out in a day and a half. That is if I really got buckled down and got after it. Being that is it my first time, it is taking a good amount of time. How much, God only know. HAHAHA
Good old YouTube huh? I've used it a bit for gun stuff but am always careful to verify the information as not everything there is legit.
It looks like it's all coming along nicely and you're getting it moved forward. Let's hope there's no left over bits man, that might not go so well. Lol.
I think the next post will be job complete right? I'm looking forward to seeing how it all comes out....And if there's left over bits.