Omg this is awesome! You made a really tight coop there, and sooo cheap, way to effing go! Also don't worry about the nesting boxes, they will all use one, I have 39 chickens and they all lay in the corner of the coop in one nest, completely ignoring their 9 nesting boxes, this and many other reasons is why I affectionately call them the #chickenbitchez :D
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39 chickens sound a hand full, How much are you feeding and what feed are you using?#chickenbitches sounds about right, I thought mine were going to be freeloaders and take and not give anything back. I am really happy with how it has turned out.
They eat about 60 kg of feed per week, a lay ration pellet 17% protein.
Oh wow, that is a lot of food, I've had two 25kg bags, one is pellets and the other is crushed corn, and I'm not even down half a bag yet.
How many eggs on average do you get from yours? I was getting one a day for 5 days, yesterday I got 3 and today I got two. I'm really happy with the progress their making.
Welllll...I have 20 older hens (2.5 years) that need to be culled so this is affecting my numbers. The rest of my hens are all laying age. I'm getting 18 - 30 eggs per day. By selling them it pays for the feed and I end up with all the eggs I could ever want. I sell baking too and it's sweet to have never had to buy an egg from the store for the last 7 years.
I'm envious of your coop, honestly. We've spent a lot of money on coop builds over the years, keep up the great work!
I think my hens are older than yours, the guy said around 3 years old, but could be older. they belonged to an older guy who gave up his allotment so the lad I got them from took the birds in first and had them a while. so I don't know what to think.
There is a place further down south from me that sell rescue chickens from the battery before cull, they are 72 weeks old, and I was thinking about getting some of them, but when these came up I jumped at the chance to own my own chickens.
I just don't know what to do really, if they stop laying then they have served their purpose to me as I have them like you do for the eggs. I can't afford to feed 8 hens and get nothing back from them so culling is something that would have to happen.
18 to 30 eggs a day is an amazing amount of eggs, I don't know what I would do with that many, I have had to start to give them to the family as my fridge was starting to look full, and there is only so many eggs I can eat lol.
I do a lot of DIY, I've made planters for my plants that only cost the screws, the wood was from pallets, and these planters were 8 feet long by 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall, it took some doing, then I made one just smaller than that to go next to it, this was what I was using for a fence to stop the scrap man from thinking my garden was his to walk over.
I've made fairy houses for the kids and built shelves from pallets, I just like to use my hands.
I should never have gotten the chickens first but I did, but before that, I should have built the run and coop then it would have looked a lot better than it did, and with having little money I had to build it cheap, so I decided to use recycled materials.
It's nice to chat with another chicken keeper, there are some neighbors of mine that like to tell me what to do with rearing them, and they can't properly look after their own live stock, so having a good natter on here makes me so much happier. hope your keeping well :D