We've just added half the roof, - yes we've managed the upside down a few times sorted now and it's far more sturdy, it's a place to store tools etc that have been stuffed in various cupboards since moving in, it's also not so bad height wise I have to bend but not as much as I expected.
I was talking to my mate who's a joiner, he woke up one morning and a tornado lifted his shed up and placed it next door, crazily it literally only did his house on that road and few more towards Carnforth, micro Tornado? luckily here - we are in dip, wind unless it's brutal is pretty tame most of the time, thank you @steevc
Our main shed is brick, so fairly sturdy, but the corrugated roof could do with some repairs. We've just replaced a load of fence panels, but they had just rotted with age and ivy. We've lost some to the wind before. Once had a car cover blow away and end up hanging from the guttering of a neighbour.