awww shiiiit.
i recall you writing before that you did sense I'd missed you & your presence/input/dialogue, so figured you were just psychically tapped in and i couldn't ever hide it from you going forward. lol.
I had to presume you got weirded out and felt like you can't really write what you want to write here on hive anymore
not at all weirded out. your comments & the discussions that follow are among the top handful of things I've loved most about engaging here, tbh. and i just kinda been in a dry spell with writing, or feeling kinda like was just stuck in the same venting loops, not even sure what I "want" to write.
no apologies necessary. but for real, i totally missed ya, even wondered if I did anything to offput ya.
i like your unique flavors/shades of weirdness. alot. 😁
I did, I had at THAT time. I'm going to be honest but I haven't been energetically stalking you this whole time.. I'm not sure if that should come as a relief or a disappointment. :D
...aaaanyways I'm going to stop yapping now, as I'm becoming increasingly awkward for no apparent reason..
maybe a little of both... though probably leaning more towards the disppointment. my Leo Venus kinda likes that kind of attention. lol.
Well, colour me puzzled..
i couldn't help myself... 🤣
yup, exactly like that.. xD
hoped you enjoyed that as much as I did. lol.
that might just be one of the most satisfying 'works of art' I've ever created, tbh. or at the least, the funniest thing (with accompanying laughs & smiles) pulled outta me in a lonnnnnnnnnnnnng time. 😁
xD hihihi.. I'm glad to hear that xD
Yes, it is indeed an exquisite piece! ^^ xD
And that kind of humour is just right up my alley.. :D