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RE: I finally finished it!

in #diy2 years ago

Hurray for finished projects! I know several people who did not realize they had a learning disability until later in life. It's nice to know why one's brain works the way it does.

The unfinished projects in my closet are there because I need help from someone who actually understands how to do them. There's a small shelf for knick-knacks that needs to be painted or stained, and some fancy Christmas ornaments to assemble, and probably more that I can't think of just now.


I am struggling to get back to many other projects 😳 I think the ADHD has me bouncing around so much that I don't stick with any one thing long enough. Trying to fix that...sort of...not sure how actually but I want to 😜

Some people swear by medication, but I'd be reluctant to go that route. Supposedly one can make some dietary changes that can help. Not sure of the details. You've probably already investigated that, anyway.