Great to see your progress! I like the arch design too. I'm gonna throw in a "Why didn't I think of that!" here.
We had chickens last year. Emphasis on the had! I spent a couple of days building a better coop than the one that came with them. To keep costs down, I took apart and repurposed some old pallets...
The paler box on the side is the old coop, now used as a lay box.
What I didn't consider was a top on the run. We did enjoy a couple of eggs most days for about three months. Until that is the local Fox enjoyed our chickens. Greedy f*%#er.
Dang, that sucks!! We have a lot of hawks around, and we live right on the edge of town. We hear coyotes every night and a lot of them.
This arch has been a bit of work with all the zip-tying but already having the hog fence is what pushed this design.
Damn right it sucks! I was gonna eat them myself eventally... Now I'll have to catch the fox for dinner instead. Lol
See, now if Foxes were as noisy as coyotes, it might of crossed my mind to put a lid on the run. Pesky things rarely make a sound though :(
Their like 'ninja coyotes' or somthing. Lol
Yes yes their are. They hide in the shadows. 😉
I heard there were a few ‘ninja coyotes’ around here too. Hopefully they don’t dig under the fence. 😳😳