DJ Kaled promoting cryptos....STEEMIT needs a Celebrity!!!

in #djkaled7 years ago (edited)

Steemians how do we get a celebrity on board with Steemit!! Steemit is the only crypto platfrom that everyone can adopt! The millions of fans can sign up tomorrow. Lets get it going...

DJ Kaled:

“I just received my titanium centra debit card. The Centra Card & Centra Wallet app is the ultimate winner in Cryptocurrency debit cards powered by CTR tokens! Use your Bitcoins, Ethereum, and more cryptocurrencies in real time across the globe. This is a Game changer here. Get your CTR tokens now!”

Please help find new Steemains and FOLLOW/RESTEEM/UPVOTE :)


Who would be the best Steemit Celeb?!?!

I would pay some SBD to get a celeb to start promoting steemit!!!

Centra is paying out the ass to get Floyd and Khaled to promote the ICOs. Best Steemit starts with low level youtube/instagram celebs.

It only makes sense that celebrities would go after cryptocurrencies because of the value these coins bring.

you are having such a high vote power will you give me one as well

The world is changing!!!!!

We should get pewdiepie. He seems pretty keen on free speech these days :D

All I can here is "DeeJay Khaaaled" in my head now. ;-) He needs to do a Steemit remix jam, boom! Steemit explosions!

IDK, these "endorsements" are so weak, just some assistant posting pre-approved marketing copy to a celebrity's instagram page... I highly doubt either Mayweather or Khaled are actually enthusiastic about the products, apart from as a small % of their investment porfolios.

Would rather aim for real engagement with influencers who care.

dj khaledin action :D