
Today is a good day to do it actually, most of the leases have been filled leaving a market depth of 9K SP rather than our usual 45K-110K SP range of open orders. You won't have much competition provided you offer a good APR like 19-20%, also don't make your lease sizes too huge as it excludes certain smaller size accounts from filling them, bids in batches of 1500 - 3000 SP are generally fine to get filled, you could do multiple if you need.

Dear @thecryptodrive

I was just wondering. If I would offer 19-20% APR and I would use it wisely to curate content, then is it actually possible to earn enough from curation rewards to cover cost of those delegations?

I'm wondering what reasons people have once they are trying to lease SP from others. Surely it cannot be in any way related to financial profits.

Perhaps you could share your experience with me?


Hi @crypto.piotr, I'm not very good at curating nor have the time for it so I prefer to delegate out my SP, so I can't really comment on how profitable curation is. I suspect it will be even more profitable after HF21 when rewards are split 50/50 which is an increase in favour of the curators.

There are many uses for SP other than curation, such as ego and influence from having alot of SP, trying out what it is like to be a dolphin before investing fully into SP, used for games and apps who require resource credits to send memos, custom json, make comments, upvotes, run bidbots, run a central community account that supports niche authors, using the SP to have enough RC's to claim steem accounts etc.

Hope this helps.

Dear @thecryptodrive

Thank you for your kind and prompt reply. Appreciate it.

Since you're so responsive, I thought that perhaps I could share with you my latest publication and ask about your own opinion on discussed subject:

I would appreciate it greately.


That's a great article I voted and commented.

I appreciate your kind words @thecryptodrive :)

Thanks for the help! :)