This blog post explains how at the time of my undetected autism, I was punished for traits caused by my autism such as struggling in school. my folks sent me to a Catholic school with literally zero support or no one that knows about autism/ADHD. At the time I was misdiagnosis with ADHD. You can have both but ADHD is not the main diagnosis.
This serves as a lesson to parents that what my folks did to me did nothing but make me even worse.
Shared On DLIKE
Well first off i'd like to offer my condolences for the experience you went through. I couldn't actually find your blog post anywhere about it though haha. I'm still to new the platform though so forgive me, I checked your link and there was nothing there.
That aside i felt like leaving a reply because I can personally relate. I was born with tourettes and went through many difficulties in school I couldn't help just like you with your autism. I didn't let that hold me back though and have excelled at whatever i set my mind to. I hope you've been able to do the same and if you ever need someone to talk to you have a friend in me :)
if you wanna look at my blog here is the URL. Dlike used to take you to whatever site you linked. I had no idea they stopped doing that for whatever reason.
I'll start hot linking it in the description (If I remember to do so)