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RE: When trying to lose weight, morning meals are better than evening ones

in #dlike5 years ago (edited)

Small and frequent meals always do the job.
Same intervals, throughout the day, everyday.

Once a week (let's say Sunday) a cheat day. All goes in. Your body getting used to frequency through the weekdays, whereas food cheating only once per week keep your body in a guessing state. Your metabolism speeds up to burn excess calories you just introduced.

It last few days after that, but you are already on frequent, clean and smaller meals again.

Moreover, there is only two types of people when it comes to dieting: Those whos bodies works great on fats, and those who react better with carbs.

I would advise trying couple of weeks on lower carbs (+cheat days) then for comparison few weeks on lower fats. Then it is easy to recognize where you belong from the dieting stand point.

Hope that helps.

Ps. Coming back to the breakfast - it is essential, as we starve ourselves for couple of hours during sleep.