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RE: Exclusive: Canada police prepared to shoot Indigenous activists, documents show | World news | The Guardian

in #dlike5 years ago

You can support them :

Thanks for acknowledging that you are living on stolen unceded land. Everyone who does nothing and stands by and watches this happen is just as guilty as the corporations and the puppet government, who are thieves and murderers.

That brown face puppet, Trudeau, shit face, is nothing more than a glorified slave and he makes me sick. People around here and ignorant and brainwashed.

It's about time we take back our land and demand the colonizers back the fuc* up and stop coming here and destroying everything that we hold sacred and precious, our land, water, animals, and one another.

We've had just about enough of this treatment and how dare these people come here and take over and try and tell us what to do. We've been here since time immemorial, with our own laws, customs, and traditions.

We are the generation who have studied this corrupt system and learned how it operates and we are fierce and strong and we don't take any shit from these backward low-lifes..

It's pretty fuc*in sick when we have a 4.5 million dollar chandelier hanging from downtown so-called Vancouver, when we have our people dying in the streets. I hope someone steals that chandelier, sells it and gives the money to our people.

The time is coming for an end to this enslavement and man made prison that we have been forced into.