(EN/CN/JP) Some words after the HK-JP-SG Challenge / 三地挑戰後的一點說話 / HK-JP-SGチャレンジの後の言葉

in #dlive7 years ago (edited)


English Version

It is a thank you post.

I am grateful, really grateful. The first event of @orientalhub was successfully done. Just remember that @orientalhub was just formed by chance when I, @htliao, @prch and @honoru were having a dinner gathering. The name was suggested by @honoru’s wife. I can’t imagine that we have finished our first event in shorter than one month.

The idea of the HK-JP-SG culture challenge came from @prch when he is chatting with friends from the Jp and SG community. All of them found that their communities lacked of cohesion and suggested to host some events. Initially @prch planned to host in himself and asked for our advice. And due to the born of @orientalhub, he dedicated the challenge to @orientalhub.

We had no idea if we can smoothly run the challenge. Just skip the process and we don’t know how many people will join finally. @orientalhub is just a new born baby less than a month. Until now it has only hundred followers. We were afraid that no people even know the challenge. Thanks to steemians of the three communities, they kept resteem and wrote posts to promote the challenge. Actually the JP and SG can host the challenge themselves and they passed the “main organizer” to @orientalhub, Thanks all of you.

Now we have the result. Let’s see the number of entries: JP 23, HK 13, SG 8, total 54 entries. In one week time, we collected 54 entries. The number is not that big. There are many events in Steemit with hundreds of entries. But to a new account and three communities, I don’t think the number is small.At least, there are 54 steemians supporting the challenge. And also there are countless unvoters behind. Thanks all of you.

Thanks to all sponsors and upvoters. Thanks @prch@fukako@jrvacation who soponsorred the prizes. And thanks @elizaheng from @teammalaysia, who sponsored 12 SBD of extra prizes! Thanks @prch@travelgirl@culgin@moromaro being the judges, and @jrvacation, @Kinakomochi, @sho-t, @yo-yo and @fukako who comfirm all the rules and details of the challenge. Thank you!

Thanks to all upvoters: @aaronli, @biuiam, @catwomanteresa, @honoru, @htliao, @jrvacation, @livinguktaiwan, @orientalhub, @prch, @rt395, @travelgirl @elizacheng, @zord189, @aaronleang, @joannewong, @karinzdailygrind @maverickfoo@davidke20 @superoo7 @bitrocker2020 @awesomianist @liewsc@khimgoh @alvinauh @janicechua @pizzapai @johnsonlai @lilacse @cn-malaysia

As well as @htliao, @prch, @honoru from @orientalhub.

I have to say @prch is the hero of the challenge. He finished all the things from brainstorming to posts update. What I have done is just resteem, joining the challenge and translate @prch’s posts to Chinese. Salute to @prch!

It’s the end of the challenge. Thanks all of you. We will take a rest for few days. The next event will come soon and invite more communities to join! Wish you all can keep supporting us. Thanks!





很高興,真的很高興,@orientalhub的第一個活動,竟真的讓我們成功舉辦了。尤記得,@orientalhub是一個很偶然的成立,只是某一天我和@htliao, @prch@honoru一次聚餐時想的主意,名字還是當天@honoru太太的主意。沒想到,在不足一個月的時間,我們就完成了第一個活動!

這次的HK JP SG 三地文化挑戰,緣於@prch 的交遊廣濶,他在與幾位日本及新加坡地區的朋友交談時,得知兩地凝聚力不足的情況。本來 @prch 是和我們了解一下辦三地合作的可能性,卻因為 @orientalhub 的出現,把這活動奉獻了給 @orientalhub!

本來我們也不知道這一次活動是否辦得成,當中的波折就不說了,一直到活動正式開始了,到底會有多少人參加呢?這也是我們擔心的事,畢竟,@orientalhub 只是成立了不足一個月的帳戶,到現在的followers也只有一百多,我們根本是怕沒有人知道這活動!幸得三地社區的朋友們不停的去resteem,還自己寫宣傳文章!其實,不論是日本或是新加坡社區,都是可以自己去主持這個活動的,但他們都將主辦的身份交給了 @oreintalhub,實在是謝謝你們!


還有要謝謝每一個點贊者和贊助者,謝謝 @prch@fukako@jrvacation,私人贊助了活動的獎金,還有馬來西亞的 @elizaheng,贊助了12 SBD的額外獎金!還有 @prch@travelgirl@culgin@moromaro,犧牲自己的時間,擔任活動的評判,和@jrvacation@Kinakomochi@sho-t@yo-yo@fukako,一齊制定了活動的細節,然後,少不了你們,我們的點贊者: @aaronli, @biuiam, @catwomanteresa, @honoru, @htliao, @jrvacation, @livinguktaiwan, @orientalhub, @prch, @rt395, @travelgirl @elizacheng, @zord189, @aaronleang, @joannewong, @karinzdailygrind @maverickfoo@davidke20 @superoo7 @bitrocker2020 @awesomianist @liewsc@khimgoh @alvinauh @janicechua @pizzapai @johnsonlai @lilacse @cn-malaysia

當然少不了@orientalhub 的幾位:@htliao, @prch, @honoru





私は本当に感謝して、感謝しています。 @orientalhubの最初のイベントは正常に完了しました。ただ、@ htliao、@prch、そして@honoruがディナーを集めていたときに、@orientalhubがちょうど偶然によって形成されたことを覚えておいてください。 @ honoruの妻がその名前を示唆した。私たちが最初の出来事を1ヶ月以内に終えたとは想像できません。


チャレンジをスムーズに実行できるかどうかはわかりませんでした。プロセスをスキップするだけで、最終的に参加する人の数はわかりません。 @orientalhubは新生児で、1ヵ月足らずです。今までは100人の信者しかいませんでした。私たちは誰もその挑戦を知らないことを恐れていました。 3つのコミュニティのsteemiansのおかげで、彼らは改革を続け、チャレンジを促進するためのポストを書いた。実際にJPとSGはチャレンジを主催することができ、彼らは「主催者」を@orientalhubに渡しました。ありがとうございました。

これで結果が得られました。エントリの数を見てみましょう:JP 23、HK 13、SG 8、合計54エントリ。 1週間の時間で、我々は54のエントリーを収集した。その数はそれほど大きくはありません。 Steemitには何百ものエントリーがあります。しかし、新しいアカウントと3つのコミュニティに、私はその数が少ないとは思わない。少なくとも、チャレンジをサポートしている54人のSteemiansがいる。また、無数の失効者があります。皆さんに感謝します。

すべてのスポンサーとアップウォーターに感謝します。ありがとう@ prch、@ fukakoおよび@jrvacation賞品を主催しました。そして、余分な賞品の12 SBDを後援した@ teammalaysiaの@elizahengに感謝します!ありがとう@ prch、@ travelgirl、@ culginと@moromaroは裁判官で、@ jrvacation、@Kinakomochi、@ sho-t、@ yo-yoと@fukakoはすべてのルールとチャレンジの詳細を確認します。ありがとうございました!

@aaronli、@ biuiam、@catwomanteresa@honoru@htliao@java@livinguktaiwan@orientalhub@prt、@ rt395、@travelgirl @elizacheng、@ zord189、@aaronleang@joannewong、 karinzdailygrind @ maverickfoo @ davidke20 @ superoo7 @ bitrocker2020 @wesomianist @ liewsc @ khimgoh @alvinauh @janicechua @pizzapai @johnsonlai @lilacse @ cn-malaysia

@ htliao、@prch@honoru from @orientalhubのほかに、

@prchはチャレンジのヒーローだと言わなければならない。彼はブレーンストーミングから投稿の更新まですべてのことを終えました。私がやったことはちょうど再現され、挑戦に加わり、@ prchのポストを中国語に翻訳します。 @prchに感謝!


Thanks for spending your time to read my articles. I like to share stories of Hong Kong. I wish you may support me and I will keep going!


My video is at DLive




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@aaronli, 写得不错,要不要后继考虑参加一下CN区的月旦评活动?到cn-reader栏目看看就明白了!


Please marry me, Im proposing. kisses . HAHAHAHAHAH

I am not gay

Entries were way more than I expected. Was so worried that sg community can’t even submit the minimum 3 entries for judging. Glad we did.

every thing is unexpected. Yeh!

oh dear, oh dear, my tears are dripping. no joking....thanks everyone...oh my gosh, im getting uncontrollably emotional now..excuse me for a second.

people will think I am using the account to reply me XDD

Well... I'm not sure actually what I should tell you right now, but it was really cool to see how you communicate with everyone... I feel your passion to be polite to everyone... I learned a lot from you. And I also noticed that you are going on super cool project with sndbox, I'm really interested in it... so I want to keep touching you and HK communities and I wish I could be a kind of bridge to Japanese community too... Arigato gozaimashita again... 非常感謝你。hey Aaron! I think you are also very emotional like @prch!! 😂

haha you are welcome!

look who is emotional now hahhaha!!! I was waiting for you to bring out the tissue 😆😆🤧🤧

my acting skill quite good right? XDD



@aaronli, you even included subtitles! That is very thoughtful of you.

haha i am afraid people don't understand



你就不能hold on下下处理好了再回来继续录嘛😂看起来像是你感动到哽咽了



谢谢你的视频 看得我好崇拜@prch~

真的嗎? 大叔在這. hahaha
