Good night dliver friends that I'm proud of, back again with me @acehserambi featuring live game play online game on dlive which always makes the day more fun and hopefully the game that I show can make all dliver friends entertained.
Channel my discord:
🔔 "acehserambi # 9348"
Channel my Steam:
Channel my Youtube:
🔔 "Bobonofficial"
Instagram Account:
Facebook Account:
🔔 "HendraAlfandiBobon"
► My Gear:
2.Cyaorg X 3 Ghost Mouse
► Specifications of my laptop Acer E5-473G-51CL:
- NvidiaGeforce GTX920 2GB
- Intelcore i5 4 GB
$ Thanks For Donation My Stream:
- @hendrabobon : $ 18.670 sbd
My live stream is at DLive
Thanks information @acehserambi go dlive