Playing some competetive League of Legends while listening to some music.
Feel free to drop by and check the stream out, please don't spam in the comments though as I will be flagging spam and rewarding genuine comments instead. Thanks.
My live stream is at DLive
It's been long I last witnessed the League of Legends gameplay. I don't think it'll be bad for me to join the stream.
Ok.... Off to Dlive.. Prepare for the bloodbath.
Let me get my headset and popcorn
d live~~
Inspiration idea, dlive ..
Just checked it out and can see that you are still doing some set ups and choosing your players .
I like the song in the background. Perfect for gaming . Have you ever tried listening to a slow song while gaming? Lol
Somethings never change , acid playing velkoz mid
every damn yi thinks they're invincible.
Vel'koz looks like a fun champ to play. But I hated playing against this champ cuz the abilities are quite long range and pretty tricky :D
what is the name of this song?
League of Legends patches on their way.
sir i am a very poor Man. So, I am not give upvote for you. keep it.

amazing music. that great league for music lover. thank for sharing
i like to play league of legends and i have played it many times,now i am playing coc which is very amazing but you play league of legends like a seasoned pro.your live games are very fun and when i went on your live it was stuck.thanks for sharing.
Thanks for share
i am following your every post
dlive..great to share..
love it
I remember playing LOL a year ago. I had to quit and uninstall the game because it got really addicting and made lose too may hours lol. Now watching this really makes me consider reinstalling and maybe play a game or two when I have the time but I don't think that's a really good idea. :D
Maybe I should just stick to watching some gameplays and stay at that for the moment.
Also, nice music. :D
Games give you a chance to excel, and if you're playing in good company you don't even mind if you lose because you had the enjoyment of the company during the course of the game. And besides this game is so wonderful and it has multiplayer option and great graphics. Come on soldier kill them all.
Whats the music that you listening ?
It shows in the left corner. :)
Okay, would be watching out. Competitive gaming is really nice... especially if its MMORPG. Keep up with the enjoyment
I never spam.
i always upvote and comment well.
hopefully i will get lucky and get upvote from you.
thank you @acidyo.
Writing quality is very good quality, you have the skills... Nice to see your article... good job man!
Great post :)
Nothing has really started going on just the songs what's the artist name called for the music.... I have be leading, leading all for the right one.... Did I missed the lyrics?..... But I got am not afraid she said in the song
Yoo sent you this entry for the logo contest. Mind checking it out?
Acidyo bro, I could play with you but you should play metal
I just checked the video, i love this game ...when was the last time i even played it? Cant remember ..
But you staring my interest again ..also the backround music is superb
Hey @acidyo can we use the livestream of DLive on smartphone because I don't have a laptop right now.
I used to play LOL also with a rock music :D im kinda aghressive layer though :D Haha.
God damn! Im not home right now as I woulda rock some league with you :(. Feel free to hit me up maybe I can help you grinding in some rankeds, @acidyo!
wow, you are win
how bad the live broadcast does not load me ..
blessed slow internet .. :-(
You wanna play with me hehe , This is gone be very very interesting game hehe let's play Hehehhhh
go Randy go... keep it going!!
amazing post,,thanks for sharing..d live
Good luck my friend @acidyo 👍👍😉
One thing I never knew about dlive was the fact that they curate their users , never knew they had delegations for that. Its really cool that they do becuase they are beginning to have an increasing influx of users on a daily basis and that's great.Well dlive is a great platform.
Good job @acidyo . I love you all.................
Good look
This is a very fun game, you have good skil in game play ..
post and share in steemi, my posts yes ..
@acidyo nice one keep it up I always like your videos a lot