Doing dungeons as a tank still, getting close to level 68 where we can start doing WOTLK dungeons and hopefully some quests as well.
Stream will still be without commentary or background music for now, feel free to drop in chat and stick around for some dungeon grinding. Will get more entertaining once I have received my new pc parts and accessories. :)
My live stream is at DLive
#Jumping up# yeah! Yeah! Yeah!!
I've been waiting for this moment.
I'm joining the stream ASAP.
Let's go for some dungeon grinding.. Poof poof poof..
Thanks man for sharing...
Happy Steeming
FANTASTIC POST............................................
Glad to see your #streaming again brother, wish I could stream during the day, but working over here currently since its 12:00 Noon! Ill be on later for some PUB G action! @acidyo
I think the dream is to be streaming because you're at work :P
@acidyo DAYUM keep streaming man! That will cause a huge snowball effect of gamers and game addicts joining Steemit! Win win!
By the way Dungeons all the way! My bro is already watching you!
Oh, I didn't know that streaming is possible in here.
I might aswell start my PUBG stream since I'm quite decent at it.
I was top 10 EU FPP Squad for some time, but I don't play so often any more.
I might return to it.
The more streamers the merrier!
Are there still people playin WOW?
Why are you wearing a dress?
How many people are playing WOW at present
Its been a long time since the last time I've played wow, I miss those days where me and all my friend used to play together as much as I miss Leeroy Jenkins!
Start playing the real world. It is far more challenging and rewarding than any video game you have ever encountered. (Except Zelda) my favorite. Lol.
Yeah, Wrath of the Lite Koin is going to be a hard ass expansion to play through.
wow that's amazing and i saw it is a very interesting game .. i jad serch for it on play store didn't get it 😮
Really nice lives :) i'm gonna wacth it while i eat my lunch
Upvote and restem my friend
following you now
we are excitedly waiting @acidyo
I will watch it for seem interesting 😊
Wow great post.. loved the way you are playing the game so smoothly and nicely..I ahve payed that game it was really hard to play but you can play it simply..Love your gaming passion..@acidyo
"""""You're basically""" immortal in dungeons now""""
Me too sir My live stream is at DLive
Wow. Would have loved to watch this, but i'm at work😕
Sure, I am catching you ;)
it is a game such?interesting probably, I like
I know this comment is not supposed to be here, but since you have been recently involved too, have you seen that haejin's posts are getting shaded out?
Hehe I quit smoking for other reasons but yeah. :)
ITS very interesting sir @acidyo thanks for shareing
What is ths?
i'm at your live on DLive
Can't wait for you to receive your new PC part and accessories to enjoy more entertaining once. Keep gaming boss
My pally was so OP in WotLK. I wasn't that great of a player, but I could tank anything. Especially after I did the tournament event at the North end and got the special items from there. I miss Burning Crusade and Litch King.
You're basically immortal in dungeons now))
Hey @acidyo didn't Blizzard release some sort of patch today that makes leveling more difficult? Or change it in someway? Thats what I saw online
How are you an elf! You were a giant beautiful cow! Or I'm wrong!))
I'll keep waiting!!!
I want to play a game with you on CSGO :) Get ready lol
Sounds awesome good sir! Hope this goes full throttle soon!!

Dlive is gonna be big soon! :)
@themanualbot you should join our Steam group! :)
Lets Go Champ!
Let Goo Paladin!
i like it
up vote my post
im lost. not a fun of game. i only play fifa on ps or xbox
lol had to go downstairs for a bit
finally found the questitem
Nice I didn't realize DLive was a think maybe a good replacment for twitch? Being above to vote etc on someone live streaming would be killer!
Yeah but I heard that Blizzard doesn't disclose the exact amount of active subscriptions anymore
yeah @bitcoinflood, it's still early on but I can see it getting really good. Can't wait to be able to throw votes on comments from the chat window, that's gonna be a real gamechanger.