Steemit inc needs to simply install software that prevents someone from even pasting a private key in the memo, just like when you type in tehw ord bittrex they won't let you send money unless you type in a bittrex memo .... There are also chrome extensions that you can install that prevent all phishing links from even showing up without a BIG red warning page! So we could have a chrome extension that prevents noobs from even posting a private key in wallet memo or in a post or comment
steemit inc front end should just prevent a user from posting anything that the website detects to look similar to a private key like anything thjat bvegins with a P5 or 5H or whatever, shopuld be easy for a program to recognize that this seems like a private key, and to prevent posting!
And yeah @adetorrent is right the fuckjing Copypaste clipboard is a godamn honeypot for crypto people, so dangerous, we should always be deleting our clipbaord memory!