If you want to achieve anything, there are many traits that can help you get what you want and help you accomplish your goals.
I like remind myself of my growth on my AcroYoga journey. It has been years of practice, hard work, and passion toward my hobby that has taken me to my current skill level. There are other things that I would like to be very skilled at; for example photography, videography, public speaking, investing in cryptocurrency.
These are some of the things I would like to up my game on. If there is anything you want to become great at, there are 3 things that will help you get there .
Hard work, Persistence, Passion.
I believe these three things got me to a high level in AcroYoga.
Hard work for me is, being able to take the time to "give it your all". Nothing outstanding comes without putting in quality, hard work. Remember, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. There is a great feeling of accomplishment when you put "blood, sweat and tear" into your goals. The person spending the time to work on there goals and hobbies over and over will eventually become a master at the thing they are working toward.
Not giving up on what you want. Keep learning and improving. That is where persistence comes into play. If you are always learning and working on your goals every day, you are bound to learn what it takes to become great. When it comes to AcroYoga, it is part of my lifestyle. I won't go a few days without practicing AcroYoga. Being "on a firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition", will make you great at the things you are working on. Consistency in what you're are doing is key! You have to always be learning and practicing.
Passion is what allows you to do "the work", and continue to advance on your path to success. I know I love AcroYoga. I love practicing it with others and sharing it with the world! So when I am working on hard AcroYoga skills and new moves, it is exciting!!! Having passion will drive you forward faster in whatever you are currently working on. Find ways to continue to love what you are doing.
These qualities come into play on Steemit!
Putting in the work to make good quality content is not easy. You have to work hard and not put out mediocre work. You need to keep making content and improve with lots of practice and hours of work.
Being persistent and not giving up is a major key to success on Steemit. Keep putting out what you love, engage with the community. Eventually, you can make yourself seen. Keep making content and doing what you love on Steemit, every day!
You have to love what you are doing on Steemit. When you are genuinely sharing from a place of passion, people will see that. They will want to be apart of the excitement and enthusiasm you display in your writing and/or words you share in your videos. People will want to help you and support your passion.
These are just somethings that I have seen while being on the Steemit platform.
If you are new to Steemit...keep up the hard work, be persistent, and share your passion with us!
"You might not think you're not good enough, but you'll surprise yourself if you keep trying. What defines us is how well we rise and fall."
-someones cool quote
Here are a few things I am working on in my AcroYoga practice. It has been a long journey to get to some of these skills. I love working on them and seeing improvement.
This is called "2 in 1 Hand to Hand":
The flier places both hands into my single hand and jumps into a hand stand. I love this move! I love the feeling of supporting all the weight of the fliers in one hand. Some day I will be able to press it up to EXTENDED.😉
This is call "Reverse Hand to Hand Pirouette"
I think this looks so cool how it spins and opens up!
I hope you all have an awesome day!
I hope I can help inspire you to work at your goals!
Thanks for all the support!!!
Watch my @DLive video to see some of the new AcroYoga moves I have been working on! Enjoy!
My video is at DLive
Do you do acro for a living? Acro and steemit? lol I've only tried it once!
Yep! Acro and Steemit! It is nice to share what I love. Where did you try Acro!!? That is awesome!! We will have to do Acro at Steemfest 3!!😊
Ooo fun! I tried it when I lived in Guatemala! Do you know where Steemfest 3 is?
oh cool!
Not sure where Steemfest 3 is going to be. I can't wait to find out!
wao wao nice, amazing, love acroyoga!!
Yeah I love it too! Have you tired it? ;)
I really enjoyed reading your post! And acroyga took a whole new meaning for me after trying it for the first time yesterday!
Thanks man! Yeah I live a life changing activity for such! ;)
Amazing video sir.i very enjoyed this video and dlive is good platform.
Thank you very much!
Wow.. amazing video
I love it dlive video
Thanks for sharing blog.....
Thanks for checking it out! :)
Very nice dlive video.
Thanks for sharing evering...i like post...
I appreciate your blog....
thanks! :)
Wow.. amazing video
I love it dlive video
Thanks for sharing blog.....
@dLive rocks!!!
So true! I totally agree I have written similar posts as you :)
You wrote this post exactly the right time! I needed something to motivate me and a reminder of the importance of persistence so that I can keep up the work.
Lately I have been wondering if this Steemit even works for newbies like me who don't pay for bots and doesn't already know some popular steemer or steemian to help get started with this. Sometimes it feels like no one even sees my posts (which kinda is the truth) so whats the point in writing them! Or why would I choose and waste good photos when nobody will see them as I'm still so new.
But reading this gave me a bit of power and persistance so that I feel I'm on the right track keeping up posting and trying my best.
Thank you for motivation! :)
2 in 1 hand to hand.. That was a bold move. Am inspired by the hardwork you incur and the persistence just tells itself. I've been following your blog for a long time and honestly speaking your getting better and better by the day. Thanks for the message.. Many of us are victims of getting weary of doing something over and over again, but what we forget is this persistence is what gets us better as long as we do it with the right mindset.
So motivation! Love this post!
shortcuts never bring success, being a teacher I always advise my students to do hard work
wow! That’s awesome!
One of these days I’ll be at that level doing the hand to hands :)
In your life you also need motivation, willpower and determination without these traits you wont achieve your goals
Form is very beautiful ♪
WOW! I got @tts! Thanks for doing voice audio for my blog!! :)