Heeeey everyone!! Super excited to announce that I will be working with @dlive soon!!! I am so so excited to do LIVE shows for them!!! You will be able to interact with me while I am cooking LIVE and ask me any questions, we can talk and interact! Im soo thrilled to be a part of @dlive starters.

In the past I have worked with a company called Tastemade and did several life shows on their facebook pages, and I also did shows for Nom nom and many other smaller platforms. I defiantly love interacting and having fun in the kitchen! You can also learn how to cook in real life and have fun with me!

So I want to give it a go and become @dlive star and test it out!

Has anyone done @dlive yet or used it? Any thoughts ? Any advice, suggestions? I know guys are working ahrd on improving the platform , but it will be getting better and better!! :)
Lots of love,
Alla xxx
Never heard of it. Excited to see what it’s about!
Congrats for that 😊
look good~
Well done .. interesting
Looks like a nice experience .. good for you
Who is working hard deserves the best
great news!
Nice!! I think the live cooking will be awesome and it adds another layer to what @DLive can provide for its users! You are going to make so many people hungry I do know that :)! I'm excited and can't wait to see what will be made!
Welcome to the overall DLive community!
New Follower, Follower Counter, Chat Display, UpVote. And it's really not hard to set up the stream in OBS, actually quite simple . If you haven't already I would be happy to help with anything I can. I will say though the DLive team is more than capable and I'm sure willing to help out as well!
Welcome again!I'm sure you have already got in contact with some if not all of the right people. Now I'm not apart of #DLive or anything but I have been using the platform since it was launched and I can say I thoroughly enjoy it and believe in it. They/(we) have an alert system (dlivelabs) for:
Thank you so much for warm welcome! I’ve just set up the obs with Mac. And I’ll try and go live in an hour. In terms of how it actually goes live I don’t know yet! I’ve connected all the right things camera and sound and also the dlive servers so it says post, does that mean I’ll go live? Also how do ppl interact with me? Thanks again!
I see you are live now so I'm assuming you figured it out. But after you click "Post" it gives you the option to then "Start" the stream. Just a heads up, every time you start a new stream you have to update the "Server URL/Stream Key/ and Password. It's really easy and quick , just trying to help save some frustration. The alerts you don't have to update the link every time. Just make sure dlivelabs it set up for your most recent stream and you're good.
And you interact with the chat. So if your display chat is up on OBS you can see it that way or you can have your live stream open just either one pause it. Or what I'll do, I'll keep the stream playing but mute the sound so I know what the quality looks like. There isn't a right or wrong way. Just make sure you're having fun :)!
Welcome to DLive! Alla
Looking forward to watching your first live stream on DLive.
Aww thanks I’m
Really excited as well!
This is very exciting news @allasyummyfood! I love the @dlive community and am very excited to see all of the new genres begin to share their streams. It was originally a lot of gaming content but it's finally starting to expand into some music and information posts but even more exciting to know you'll be joining in the fun soon!
DLive Labs tools. They enable you to carry your chat in the stream along with follower and upvote notifications. Outside of that there's lots of existing videos for customizing your OBS layout to be setup for how you want to come across.I would highly recommend using @cdhexx's
Once again I can't wait to see you on there and hope you have a great rest of the weekend!
yeah i see a lot of games there and i think we need some cooking ;) heheh ooh thanks so much, cos i havent figured it out yet!! :) It might be a journey for me how to learn it all!
Gaming and cooking! That's a great combination!
Cool! Congratulations Alla! :)
Will try and catch it... best of luck
oh thats great
O heck yeah, pleas do dlive cooking tutorials! Like one if my favorite people i used to follow hannaheart was doing that and drinking wine and it was a blast! Either way super pumped for you and this new venture! Much love!
yesss i will :))) hahah ooh thats fun!! :)) thanks you!!
Great news, Alla. You are really adding a lot of value to the community. Great to have you here 😊
Aww thanks so much! Super kind of you! :)
Ive used it a couple of times - super fun! My recommendation is staying on it for between 30 and 60 mins to give people time to find you. Its not like FB live where it continues in circulation so you want to maximize the views while you are broadcasting.
Ooh thank you for the tips! I’m planning to go live in a bit, is it easy to see what people are saying?
Yes but there seems to be a slight delay. I feel like Im seeing the comments about 30 seconds after they are made. Are you on the DLive discord? Use the various Discord channels you are on to let as many people as possible know you are going live when it happens
i crash on you,,,,,,i like you soooooo much
Wow you are such a beauty, no wonder you love food and could not complete your fast, hehehe, tripping already!
Exciting news , wish you luck ! :)
That's really exciting news Alla and iam really waiting to see your cooking live😃
Hehe thanks should Be on soon!
nice!! like and followback my stream too pls! LIVE NOW
Great idea I love food. set a date and I will be there to see how talented you are lol
Nice post
wow! thats great news @allasyummyfood !!!! congratulations!!!! hope to see one of you live videos soon! greetings from sunny Valencia! :)
hehe yeahh going to be soo fun!!
Please keep us updated guapa! :)
This is a good step in the right direction my friend and you can be sure i will be with you every step of the way. This is really cool. How was your day Alla?
heheh yeah thanks so much!!
That sounds exciting and lots of fun! 😄 I haven't tried Dlive but I'll be popping in here and read what suggestions others can give you on using the platform and their experience with it to give me an idea as well how it is over there.
I know should be so good. Yeah I’ll
Be trying it all!
yeah for sure, i think its pretty cool! i will be trying it out and seeing how it all works!
That is awesome. Congrats I am glad You are keep all of it here in the blockchain that is so amazing. A real embassor :D
heheh yeahh i have to :))
Very good
Nice! I have been using dlive, but for streaming gaming. It would be nice to have some cool live streams of things other than gaming, since that is what seems to be a majority of stream there. I look forward to seeing you livestream!
Ooh cool yeah I saw many gaming channels. I hope food will mix it a bit :)
waw !
You have beauty smail
I like your smail
ooo hi pretty... look like you are very happy.... me too. yeah.... dlive is our live style. have nice day.
Welcome to Dlive Alla! Great to have you on board :). From Team Dlive
hy trevel girl
Yay so excited. Will be trying to go live in an hour or so. :)
Nice, you are blessed
best of luck
Awsome love seeing females joining the crypto space
That is soo fine friend.
You are pretty and deserves that.
Am happy for you
Great work Alla! You just know everyone will want to interact with you on dLive. We are truly blessed to have such a great steemian as part of the #promo-steem team too! Best of luck with it all.
Thanks so much :)) I hope so and yet to test it out! Will you be able to make it this Friday to Steemit meetup at mine? I just posted about it hehe
Congratulations for your time new job. Hoping to be learning from your while starring at your beautiful face ☺.
Aww how sweet!! :)
Nice post
Happy for You!!!
this seems spectacular to me since it is a way to innovate the content
Good luck on your new journey, im sure ull do great and have fun doing this😁
Keep it up! looking forward for more🤗Wow! Thats amazing @allasyummyfood!
Thank you!! I’m excited too !
so pretty, looking forward for more vid
I love your ambition and love for cooking
Ausume~ can I follow you?:)
Congratulations on your achievement
congrats @allasyummyfood. may god blessed you. keep it.
Well that's deff super cool! A 'DLive' format is rolling out already? First I heard of this. . Is this similar to Youtube/FB live?