Ain´t insomnia an ungrateful lover?
I was supposed to go to the city last Tuesday but I couldn´t go because I caught a flu mutation - like Wolverine level mutation - on Sunday.
But paperwork can´t wait and I´m forced to go to the city this friday... that means tomorrow, or should I say today? It´s already 1:35 am and I have to wake up at 5´am to be in the bus station at 6 am, to arrive to the city at 8ish so I can meet my 9 am appointment on time.
But I can´t sleep. Between the flu and the hot weather - for Mexican standards - I just can´t get in good terms with Morpheus.
I decided to play some poker, as usual I´m playing four tables at a time and I sped up the time to 4x. The tables are still very easy to follow up and you can see how I win sometimes and how I lose all in at least twice. Not my best session but I have to keep playing.
These poker sessions I have are not to win money but to play as many hands as I can. I have to grind up experience if I want to play live as a way of living one day. That is, steeming and playing poker for a living of course, I´m not going to forget about Steemit, obviously!
I have to wake up in about 3 hours. I could sleep during the trip to the city so I´m not really worried but I hope I can freewrite for a while in the bus.
I´m trying to make the poker watching more enjoyable. Would you like me to add music in the background? Would you like me to speak while playing so you can follow up which table you should be focusing on? Would you like me to narrate what happens in my head and how I read the other players and what makes me make the decisions I make?
How would you be more interested in watching these 15 minute videos of me playing poker 4 tables at once?
Would you be interested in watching a livestream?
Be honest, I want to know what appeals to you :)
My video is at DLive
As for me, I will like you to narrate what happens in your head and how you read the other players and what makes you make the decisions you make. This will help me to understand the game better
That first line though
Appealing :: Ain´t insomnia an ungrateful lover?
I'll surely join the live.
I think a live stream of you playing could be pretty fun, though I don't know how easy it would be to talk to the chat while also playing 4 tables, lol. Maybe try it out though and see how it goes. Would be a good way to interact with the community/your followers at the very least.
But wolverine level is suppose to make you grow fangs, I mean spikes out of your finger and roar as well, I'm not seeing you roar at all😀😀😀😀😀 lol insomnia is a bitch I swear, please take care.
What’s playing through your head and why.
Personally, I enjoy reading your thoughts since Poker was never my cup of tea. I do sometimes enjoy old school poker, what's it called, 5-card draw?
I always associated poker with westerns, so in terms of music, I'd probably add some ragtime in the background. Alternately, some hip hop could work too, or jazz, with glasses and bar sounds in the background. Sorry, I'm going all sound design on you lol
Commentary usually is something people typically enjoy, but for poker, sometimes if you need to focus, you don't need much commentary. As long as you are at ease is what matters first imo.
Playing multi-table is always fun and certainly brings great benefits ...
With some background music it would be great
To narrate what's going on and why you are doing what your doing, or just talk about random things.. and Livestream too. Soon NoLimitCoin will have no rake poker. I will be playing little hands there once it starts up..
Insomnia may be ungrateful, but it is the cause of many great works.
When you can't sleep, you write... Sometimes.
I'll like to know what goes through your head.
Hola, lo de la música no es problema si lo haces... pero no sería trascendental, lo que si sería genial es que nos cuentes lo que haces, es decir que jugada vas a jugar, estas jugando, por qué? y cómo? Quizás podemos aprender de ti y algún día poder jugar juntos. Sería muy bueno explicar, claro no se si es posible a manera de tutorial, los pasos a seguir para jugar también y como hacerlo.
Definitivamente en vivo sería genial verte jugar en vivo.
Miraré tu juego.
Gracias por compartirlo.
Fantastic post friend
Saludos amigo @anomadsoul.
Creo que eso es mejor porque, de esa manera, ayudas a unos a comprender el juego y otros te pueden dar su opinión y ayudarte a ti a ver diversas opciones.
Really cool play brother and it's always good to see this multitasking activity and in my opinion it needs so much concentration and i observe your mouse movements and clicks and all this process has to be done rapidly, and in my opinion this reflects that you have effective hand on this game.
And in my opinion you can use music stuff in background in upcoming stuff and it will be so amazing to explore the video when music is on and also it will increase the engagement levels.
Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
Wow el poker se ve que es muy interesante lastima que nunca lo he jugado pero supongo que son habilidades y estrategias que uno va ganando en el juego para así ir mejorando nuestro juego, es increíble como juegas en 4 mesas, espero que algún día cumplas ese sueño y juegues en con los grande de la tv. lamento por otra parte la mutación de tu gripe pensé que ya te habías mejorado, vendrán grandes cosas. Saludo
It would be great if you talk about tips on poker for newbies and so make more followers are interested in what you do and possibly get to play with you
You got a 36.43% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @anomadsoul!
Let us meet for a real life poker match and a couple of beer versus a live stream :-)
I think it would be interesting)). But if I only understood poker ...