Eye On Em Week 1 | Spotlighting the best music I find on Choon

in #dlive7 years ago


I am going to try to keep up with this series as much as I can. I am going through new releases each week then playing them here on DLive. Lets see if this will help people find more music they like on the Choon platform.

If you want to listen to this playlist click the link below.
Some Steemians I know of on this list are

If anyone else on this playlist is on steem let me know in the comments.
@d-vine @wolfnworbeikood+ @fatherearth = Second Womb @illpoetic @isaria @junkfeathers @laritheghost @drumoperator @krazypoet https://choon.co/playlists/0l7tjs1ca5v/eye-one-em--week-1


My live stream is at DLive


Nice! I appreciate you adding me to the playlist!!

Don't forget me on this one! I'm all over Choon atm with my #throwback beat series.. hehehe

Gotcha on week 2 as well XD

i saw you were on there my and added you man!!

our label is on there as @bipolarentertainment
would love for any tracks to be added to your playlist man!! im on there as @theinfamousit as well as @avesa is on there as his name

will def be checkin out your playlist and puttin it in rotation.

@vandigital and @darrenclaxton is on this too

Cheers mate! Choon is a great platform!