
You don't look old enough to have been in business or tech very long, and the knife in your mouth also tells me some basic kindergarten knife safety lessons were overlooked, but google "collusion" and "The story of the Trojan Horse", thanks for your input though. ;)

@baah I have to say that I concur with your coherent comment here big time!!



Yep! their loyalty idea lasted until all these calves were able to suck with unstoppable gluttony from the big gush with the juicy & sweet milk (upvotes) from that sacred sickly cow when she was unexpectedly chosen for a while as one of the privileged domestic beasts to feed herself on fields with greener and exclusive pastures on the property of others.

She did what anyone would do. Feeding herself to the fullest. Eat as much grass as possible to produce as much milk as she could to 'breastfeed' as many calves as possible along the way while the privilege will last.

But like everything, nothing is eternal or lasts forever. Now, those once small and weak calves have become virile stallions and milking cows themselves today thanks to that generous 'vitaminic' milk with which they were once snugly breastfed from that sick cow. But it is not enough for them. They long to continue sucking on that big tit just as they had been doing in full comfort. These once spoiled calves don't want to fend for themselves and are reluctant to have to make an extra effort to continue feeding themselves well now that they are.. ¿what? ¿¡adults?!