
Bronze 3, right?

I can feel the 30 FPS stream btw.

Less than 200 FPS hurts my eyes on CSGO.

Never got higehr than D+ on ESEA (IIRC) anyways, I think you didn't add the upvote alert. You'll check latur, i am out

It's not really lagging but you can definitely see it's not 60 FPS

Yes I do have the beautiful privilege

Earning money makes everyone happy rite? I am off, for real. Gotta upvote moar streams a bit, kinda stress testing our new bot

whats up dude, did you see the new Dlive campaign announced today?

they're peeking cause you have 10 iq while they have 10000 iq

I'm having the same issue, I stream for about an hour and then my Dlive is off the main page. Is there any way to fix it? I feel like I am missing a lot of upvotes. Been streaming the last few days and not getting anything.

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