Love Your Flaws | My GIANT Surprise Zit

in #dlive7 years ago


Ok, I know the the title and the thumbnail are a bit much but it's to put a point out there. We all have flaws and mine is acne, many other people also suffer from this and it's difficult for many to deal with public situations and their acne. For many people it keeps them from experiencing life the way they would have had they not had acne. I want to show you that it doesn't matter, you can go for it. You can live life and just face people right to their faces with acne. Watch the video for more! :)

My video is at DLive


Oh, acne I don't really remember the last time I deal with that I am just free from it, but sometimes I have to deal with pimples, lol not bad. That happen sometimes when I eat a lot of those oil soup and nuts, but not always.
Thank you for sharing @brianturner it's really motivational.

Yeah thats right :)Don't lose your hurt about pimples, just ignore it and behave normal.

Yeah, man thanks