"Non-profit" does not mean you can't monetize your video... It means, that you can't give an access to your "work" threw a PAY WALL and ask for money to watch/consume your content which has copyrighted material in it.... FAIR fuck'n USE.
The problem is that BOTH of those guys - author of beat and person who used that "free to use beat" - are greedy for cash.
Author made that "restriction" to not monetize your content with his work is greedy motherfucker cause that person has the right to monetize his work even with copyrighted material if its under fair use, BUT he had the right to make that restriction and the other guy should comply, because once he used it, he agreed to those terms.
czuuX should not turn on the monetization since the author made that restriction but... He is also greedy. Like the first guy.
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Art. 54. Zasada wolności poglądów
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Moi patroni:
EddY GhosT, Grzegorz Szczerba, Jebacz Leśny, NumeroDrugo, Tomek Kozłowski, Bartheek, Żywy, Wujaszek Mateusz, LittleFoxy94, Hubert Raciborski, Aga, crusader, iMarcel, zabieganyjestem, Viper, Leszard, Akkiro, warrior20003, illgresi, Gregory, Jakub Nowak
My video is at DLive
każdy łasy na hajs
"Siano na głowie i w głowie" - nic dodać, nic ująć ;D
To nagrywanie "z pasji". Zarówno jeden, jak i drugi łasy na hajs.
Witam. Brawo jeden i drugi. ha ha
jak mówi stare chińskie przysłowie gdzie dwóch się bije tam jest ten między nimi.
lepiej by brzmiało "gdzie dwóch się bije tam Carrioner korzysta :D
Ten między nimi to carrioner
Wjechał upvote
"Siano na głowie" hahahah mistrz!
@carrioner a teraz się pytanie, czemu nie przyjebałeś się do jego włosów xD przecież to wygląda jak mop xD