Thank you for you lovely comment. Our aim is that even without understanding Chinese, you can still appreciate the poem through the translation, sketch and music, the latter being boderless in our view. Look forward to you continue support to our project!
I thank you and all involved in this project which gives readers a chance to learn about Chi The little I have read of Du Fu in particular strikes me as exactly what poetry ought to be - an artform, reflecting the complexity of the artists impressions, in a condensed form.
Your analysis and explanations are invaluable as the poetic tools often have no direct comparisons in English language poetry and of course, the historical and cultural references are completely new. So it is an intriguing and a valuable opportunity to learn so much.
無野改 已經最強.
haha 有野改: 下次舉行比賽, 入圍有你城市, 魚或櫻花畫做奬品, 唔識寫我都一定參加
唔好搞我,我唔似吟诗 XD
我惊我唱到一旧旧 lol
这个真的做得超棒啊 无论文字 插图 视频 音乐 必须要赞 👍 古诗的翻译不容易呢 还是觉得唱起歌来粤语比京腔的普通话动听咯~ @nanosesame 又让我因为猜中古诗而得意一次~ 😊
不好意思,想指正一下:格律特點第二點關於押韻那段中文文字跟第一點重覆了,是copy & paste出錯了吧?🙈
Beautiful poem and beautiful music, too! I wish I understood Chinese to appreciate it even more.
Thank you for you lovely comment. Our aim is that even without understanding Chinese, you can still appreciate the poem through the translation, sketch and music, the latter being boderless in our view. Look forward to you continue support to our project!
Wow! I didn't realize Miku can sing Chinese Song. Well explain in the blog post too.
Thanks for your support!
@orientalhub 向大家講聲: 勁! 根本係暫時steemit 上隨時最大型最有深度䏈合製作.
得閒過黎like下我地D posts 同而家參賽者ge posts.
因为是你做的吗 😂
He was an observant man and a re-crafter of beautiful images .. a genius.
Agree, as well as one of the most well known Chinese poets.
I thank you and all involved in this project which gives readers a chance to learn about Chi The little I have read of Du Fu in particular strikes me as exactly what poetry ought to be - an artform, reflecting the complexity of the artists impressions, in a condensed form.
Your analysis and explanations are invaluable as the poetic tools often have no direct comparisons in English language poetry and of course, the historical and cultural references are completely new. So it is an intriguing and a valuable opportunity to learn so much.