WELCOME TO CHANSE'S EXCELLENT GAMING! The best stream for wasting time and space on the blockchain. I may listen to music from the Monstercat playlist while streaming. The music is intentionally much quieter than the microphone audio so please feel free to put your own favorite music on over it while tuning in. Streams are always best with some jams. ♫
I'm playing PUBG Mobile today! If you'd like to join in, please do! I am on Discord and welcome the company!
Check out the following DLive Communities!
Monday - 6PM ET / 3PM PT
Tuesday - 3PM ET / 12PM PT
Wednesday - 6PM ET / 3PM PT
Friday - 3PM ET / 12PM PT
Saturday - 3PM ET / 12PM PT
Sunday - 3PM ET / 12PM PT
.Check out my new SBD gambling bot @gamblebot !
@dlive24hour - discord.me/dlive24hour
@dunite - discord.gg/b46WJ9a
@dliverewards - https://discordapp.com/invite/a8UbpWB
@dlivecommunity - https://discord.gg/fn2GYq4
My live stream is at DLive
you got moves
and he will say !bitconnect and they will smile and let him off
cyl eric
do you lift
indeed in a hex box
gl ajdaniels
Good luck :D
clapped his ass
You've got to get me learnt on chat notifications.
Why doesn't it keep you followed what the hell
whats up yolo
Hit em with that 100%
that Benjamin
issues ! ^ ! schedule ! ^ ! <>
Just exploring lol
!alert I just got a zombie brand skin for free on league
gotta run, got a few things to do then stream. Have a good night bro
have a good night, @dreamryder007!
Nice Shades
Hey man, congrats on Dlivestar! I read the post today
!aladdin cough
Thanks :)
Wish me luck Chanse i'm on on the top of the hour
Won't be the top quality stream like you, but I'm with the Dlive movement.
Sorry I stepped in on your swamp :D
Seen at least the first two Shrek movies, forgot the boulder reference though.
They got skillz that killz
Especially funny since it was at your expense lol
Should all DLiveStars stream with sunglasses like yours now? Could become a thing...
Oh I didn't know. What happened?
Alrighty then. Hope it gets well soon.