So glad you got to experience this at the lake today. It's funny because I find myself telling my kids how lucky they are to know about the law of attraction at such a young age and how many adults only find their own power to be happy regardless of circumstances after they've suffered for so long, but yet I forget this myself! I find myself stressed out and frustrated far more often than I'd like to admit. I guess those feelings are like habits that we have taken on and now that I know so much more I need to just keep on doing my deep breaths, retrain my neuro-pathways and raise my vibration! I found my own moment of bliss during a short hike across our property the other day. The mosquitoes were insanely aggressive, biting through denim and repellent sprays and the kids were whining, yet I saw the river with the beautiful mountain backdrop. So I took a breath and captured this image. With all the the chaos at the time I couldn't soak it in the way I would have liked, but I keep looking at the image now and it brings me peace. Sometimes we have to be creative about finding our bliss.
Lots of love sister!