Thats is that time again. Lets relax, sit back, grab a cold one and play some games!
*Please check out @Dunite, the biggest and baddest group of gamers on Dlive. Give them a follow and support this great community.
**Dunite made this post about me.
You could be featured next!
**Finally...Please use DUnite tools!
My live stream is at DLive
yeah its on sale at right now
Chiren you got all the tips and hints ;)
oh yeah a fix?
Oops look at the time, I have to end for now. got some homework to do. Ill be on later tonight. Thanks guys :)
Welcome to my Dlive everyone!
Thanks @rook81
Thanks bro!
Whats up man :)
Okay, dunite tools are working great :)
Yep much better to go here man
also please check out DUnite, its a gamers group :)
join early is the way to go
Hey Chiren, love that Dunite upvote
Awesome! Glad to have you :)
Deserts of Kharak...kinda older game
Deserts of Kharak
Ah sorry @nominalgaint , this method works for me. It might be a different issue.
Hey Crypto-moon, digging the new thumbnail man
Glad to see you back dliving!
Hi there!
Is this command & conquer :O
lol Nominal is fine :) i spelled my name wrong, a mistake I mist live with forever lol
not much is going on just checking out Dlive :) thinking about making the move ya know
already there my man :)
I'm a soon to be ex Twitch and Mixer streamer looking for a new home :)
I tried it Twitches way for 5 years and it didnt go well. I wanna make streaming more than a hobby ya know? and I wanna be sustainable
you've convinced my man :) not that it was a hard sell lol I've been looking for a new platform for ages and it just so happens to be decentralized which is #1 in my book
Blockchain tech is the future. better to get on board early I say ;)
So what is this game anyway man? something like Command and Conquer or Starcraft?
liiks like my kinda game i'l have to check it out
looks like I cant use busy with this account :( that bites....
Actually there's a fix
do tell :D
Go to and log out from there. Then try to login to busy, it will ask you for you login this time.
It's an issue when you have more than 1 account to manage :P
steemconnect can't have you logged in on 2 different accounts on 2 different apps
it keeps defaulting to my personal account :(
later dude :)
Good night @crypto-moon! Take care bud 👍