Heehee, cuteness. This reminds me of the time when (in highschool) my girlfriend visited this farm that was selling mini pigs. She immediately fell in love with it, bought it (she was 16, he parents didn't know abt her purchase) then brought it over to my parent's suburban garage to stage it there while she "worked" her parents into accepting it into their house. Short story, pig was not accepted, my parents wanted the pig out of their garage, pig ended up back on the farm. It was really freaking cute though.
Her money was not refunded. Is that standard practice (the no refunds thing) when buying mini pigs?
IDK, depends on the rescue operation. I think most wouldn't give a pig to a 16 yr old without parents approval, lol. Thank you for the comment!
hehehe, right? Even at the tender age of 16 myself, I thought it was pretty incredible that she was able to make off with her very own pig, sans parental approval. I don't think the one she went to was a rescue operation tho, I think it was just a pet pig farmer.