DLive: Trump Claims Photo ID Required to Buy Groceries

in #dlive7 years ago


Trump Claims Photo ID Required to Buy Groceries

--In a push for widespread voter ID laws, Donald Trump falsely claims that photo ID is required to buy groceries

What is he talking about?

My video is at DLive


Dang. I need to get a bag of chips but I forgot my ID at home . . .

Queue Hall and Oates: He's out of touch . . .

I wish this were real:

The thing that got me about this clip was all the posers in the back who were blindly agreeing/clapping at everything he said. Then, if he turned around, the would stand up and applaud. It seemed very staged to me.

I want legal citizens voting, not illegals brought in by Democrats to steal an election, suck it up and MAGA

Great analysis, thanks