DLive: Spotify Removes Episodes of Alex Jones Podcast

in #dlive7 years ago


Spotify Removes Episodes of Alex Jones Podcast

After YouTube and Facebook remove some of Alex Jones' content, Spotify removes several episodes from his podcast

Was Spotify in the right?

My video is at DLive


This has virtually no effect except to give Jones publicity he craves. No PR is bad PR in his book.

That is possible, but he still needs distribution. They cut off his distribution, no matter how bad that news might feed his need for exposure, if no one can view it other than on a browser, it really doesn't benefit him at all.

Not a government-held company so they are allowed to do this. My attitude is to let the crazies be seen in all of their craziness. Not censoring him will do a lot more harm than censoring him.

Google & Apple have become quasi-govt organizations, if not at least utility companies. Try abandoning both of them. You'll learn what living like a villager in the sub-Sahara feels like. Totally cut off from search, maps, mail, browsers, phones, etc. Sounds romantic on the surface, but after a few days you'll be back - begging for more of the Kool Aid. We are addicted to what they have, and they have few rules. Compared with a government organization, they are really much worse in this case. The only difference is that they cannot bestow their will at the end of a gun. They just use our addiction to their "tech drugs" and play us like a dealer/pimp.

I saw infowars the other day intervewing people on the sidewalk. The "reporter" was a beautiful young woman and I am thinking, how could someone so beautiful be at the same time so stupid?

Spotify overtaken by globalist Reptilians confirmed