
Yo man, the webcam is just a black screen :/

All good, glad you got to fix that ;)

Lookin' good with some 60fps action, gets a tiny bit slower on some spell effects, but good overall

Yeah, especially with dlivelabs down tonight, it's nice to have that secondary monitor. I'm doing some League streaming as I get that Silver 4 tonite.

I like your music better than my own lol :D

My game starts, wish me luck ^^

just gor first blooded :D

more like 1 minute FB :D

minute 10 and i'm 3/1/0 :D

music is a bit loud in relation to your mic

Swain Train - Bringing the Pain Express :D

mid for now vs Talon

just Rod and AP

Silver 4, lessss go :D

I'm just having fun playing the game, really. I thought I finished on Silver 1 last season xD i was placed in bronze 5 and my reactions are non-existant

Oh wait, bronze 1 lol :D I always get placed in high bronze though

Bronze, Silver and low Gold are all pretty much Silver

Wut, can't believe you were stuck in bronze, you're way better than me

Was a fast game, enemy top and support trolling. I'm gonna just play my best whenever I do play but won't really tryhard or anything

Dude you started your stream after me and you got more views faster than I've ever had. You must be doing something right... Or just playing the right game :D

Man you had more views than the @drkent himself! And he's one of the most popular musicians around here.

Like he's offline now, but he was below you in views ;) And he definitely is popular on DLive.