FOR TSE: This looks like it might be very interesting, but I literally cannot watch it. Dlive stops every 2 SECONDS to reload more of the video ... and then after about 20 seconds it continues for another 2 SECONDS. It's impossible to watch a 3+ minute video under those conditions.
I don't know if the problem is exclusively Dlive -- dTube is even worse, but I know other people have problems with it -- and not everyone in the world has a lightning-fast internet connection. (I don't for example. I live in the rural US.)
You might want to consider also posting these on YouTube so more people can see them conveniently. As for our group I can't recommend something to them -- or the public -- that I haven't personally read or watched. This does look like an exciting new direction for you, however. I hope you can get this worked out.
Thank you very much for your sincerely opinion, I will definitely also attach the YouTube link from now on.
Here is the link of the video if you still want to watch it and I'm really sorry for the problems on @dlive..
FOR TSE: Much, much, much better experience!! I love this piece (now that I've had a chance to really see it). I like the music you've chosen to accompany it. It was so much like being there!!
I can see a lot of great possibilities for this if you continue to work in this medium and experiment with your material. I'm not usually one for vlogs, etc., because most of them are incredibly boring and badly executed ---> not to mention the problems I listed above. But this was one of the best experiences I've ever had on a travel blog.
Bravo, girl!! You done good! (grin) ---> I know. Terrible English. It's a joke. Not the praise -- that's very sincere, but the English itself. (I thought I'd better explain since I know that's not your first language.)
I'm actually excited about this now.
Wow, wow, wow. And this definitely is the best comment I ever got on my videos. ♥️
Thank you so much, it really means a lot for me your opinion and I'm also very excited to see that you enjoyed the video so much.
Actually I don't really know how could I express my happiness right now, but I'm really very happy. 😀