Well I can help you out if you have issues. I dont restreem to multiple platforms but I havent had more than 3 individual issues since I started streaming on DLive since January... So for me it has a pretty good track record.
He/she, I meant to say "they" because I did t know.
I also havent had any issues upload any video since Feb.
I dont deny people having issues, I deny the inability to make it work or find the right settings to make it work consistently.
I have over 150 live streams since January... What can I help you with?
@r0nd0n would be a good one to talk to... He has it figured out with msp waves.
You've been so busy reiterating your point, you didn't read mine. The streaming networks that I built and ran for two years are neither in my control anymore (msp waves) or in existence, (steemstar network) - but between them, we did more like 150 shows a month each. So thanks again for your input, have a nice day.