DLIVE NEWS! Pornhub Cryptocurrency and the Normalization of PORN!

in #dlive7 years ago


Join Jeff C as he breaks down the porn industry and it's adoption of cryptocurrency!

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My live stream is at DLive

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starting soon

first livestream on my pc in ages it feels like lol

yeah, ya fuckin horn dogs, lol jk

i knew a girl in high school that was addicted to watching porn. she had TONS of vhs/dvds of it... it was odd..

Ya it's a whole new world now shits crazy

now she has 2 kids. idk if she still has all that shit.. i sure hope not.

i laugh at porn. ive never been into it. i used to get jealous at my bfs for watching it. confidence thing.

I remember this site. It was normal then gradually they put tranny and all this weird shit in the straight section. It was easy to tell what was going on pretty sick...

porn is general bad.

porn change the perception of sex. they want people to think that sex is just for fun and lust. depopulation

sex is for fun, self pleasure. kids are only a side effect

Ya it's definitely weaponized

Abortion just a side effect

most of the popular gaming channels promote porn.. not only pewdiepie

gay porn especially

i think youtube left that on there on purpose

i let my son watch youtube but i watch what he watches and i am VERY strict about it. i dont give him a lot of time on it either

I think chelsea got peed on off of a boat that was on video

The comedian

Very nice. An early show today.

very early, lol

maybe he will go longer? lol jk

my brothers ex takes my niece to pride parades and shes fucking 4. it pisses me off sooooo bad

hey good people!

yay, the chat is working today :)

im a kid in here

how old are you, epic? i forget... 14?

hshshhshshahhahs no

turned 18 earlier this year

verge is going to coprorate with paypal

wow, really? maybe i asked 4yrs ago lol. youve been in jeffs streams for as long as i have i believe

i must been 15

been watching jeff since 2012 - 2013

i don't remember how i entered this movement . but i do know i started to watch subliminsm messages in disney and cartoon movies / tv series

lol i knew about that even when i was a kid, waaaaaay before internet. i never put 2n 2 together since i was young

sandy hook was what woke me up. i was only 13 during 9-11 and i was going through personal shit back then to care

i knew of people questioning 9-11 though'

yeah some people didnt know samus was a woman until the end

Just popping in to say great show so far. But I gotta go back to work now. I'll catch the rest on the replay.

get back to work venom, lol

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