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RE: How To Stream On Both DLive And Vimm With Chat Overlay

in #dlive7 years ago

Great to hear you got it working

If you're talking about live streaming on dtube as well it works the same way.

Just add "push rtmp:// stream key", you only need to get the stream key once and just as with DLive you need to press "submit" before you start streaming.

So if you duo stream on @dlive and @dtube you have to "go live" on one of the two platform, wait at least 5 minutes (there is a 5 minute delay before you can create another post on Steem's blockchain which is nessecary for the platforms) Click go live on the other one and only after that you can click start streaming in obs.

If you want to add @vimm to the mix you don't have to wait an additional 5 minutes. Once you click start streaming you'll go live on and only then the platform tries to create a post, if it can't because of the 5 minute cool down it will just try again in the next 5 minutes until succesful (unless you choose the option of streaming without creating a post, but then you can't get any up vote rewards)

Happy streaming ;)


What line of the config file should I add the push command to?

Line 15 right underneath the live on underneath the application live

    worker_processes  1;

    error_log  logs/error.log debug;

    events {
        worker_connections  1024;

    rtmp {
        server {
            listen 1935;

            application live {
                live on;
                push ...

Ok so lets say I want to stream on D live and Dtube (got the key by the way its all set up) i have to wait 5 min for Dlive then wait another 5 for D tube or do i wait 5 min and click on both?

You press go live on one of the two platforms, wait until the post is created on the blockchain, wait 5 minutes go live on the other platform and from than on you can start streaming.

Note that the more platforms you stream on the more you also upload, if you notice lag of any sort you might have to lower your bitrate in OBS accordingly

Perfect Thats all i needed to know thanks so much bro

Anytime, enjoy your streams ;)